There are currently 4 terms in this directory beginning with the letter W.
WIL subjects
Subjects in the area of work integrated learning that include a professional placement component (e.g. WIL201A, WIL801, etc). This definition does not refer to those subjects that have industry partner projects embedded within them
Withdraw or withdrawal
Means the formal process undertaken by students who wish to withdraw entirely from their studies and discontinue their enrolment at the Institution or withdraw from enrolled subject(s) after they have signed the offer of acceptance or have commenced their study (on or after the course commencement date). A student must withdraw in accordance with the Withdrawal Procedures
Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
Any arrangement where students undertake learning in a work context as part of their course requirements. WIL can be undertaken as part of coursework or research training. All courses at the Institution include work integrated learning (WIL) requirements, which may include:
- professional workplace placements (also known as internships, fieldwork, practicums);
- online or virtual WIL with real clients or industry input;
- subject embedded industry-partnered projects in the classroom (e.g. hackathons, incubators/start-ups, live case study, consulting project) that involve industry, community or professional partners;
- a simulated work environment with industry input, consultation or assessment; or
- activities in other contexts involving industry or community partners (e.g site visits, engagement projects).