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There are currently 13 terms in this directory beginning with the letter T.

Teach-out Plan
A plan that describes how the academic program will be discontinued and how the impact on students concerned will be minimised

Technology-enhanced learning (TEL)
Interpreted broadly as any learning that occurs through the application of electronic communications and computer-based educational technology, combined with pedagogical principles and practices that are applicable to and tailored for this purpose

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency is Australia’s independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education

An official certification document that confirms that a qualification has been awarded to an individual. In Australia this may be called an ‘award’, ‘parchment’, ‘laureate’ or ‘certificate’

The duty to foster the wellbeing of staff and students
Includes the duty to ensure that no member of staff and no student suffers unfair disadvantage or unfair adverse discrimination by reason of their inherent attributes; includes the duty to ensure that no member of staff and no student is subject to threatening or intimidating behaviour by another person or persons on account of anything they have said in exercising their freedom of speech; supports reasonable and proportionate measures to prevent any person from using lawful speech which is intended to insult, humiliate or intimidate other persons and which a reasonable person would regard, in the circumstances, as likely to have one or more of those effects; does not extend to a duty to protect any person from feeling offended or shocked or insulted by the lawful speech of another.

Third-party arrangements
Those ‘between a registered higher education institution and one or more third parties to offer a course of study [offshore] … that leads to the award of an Australian higher education qualification.’

The Institution’s terms for a record of results

Transition contingency
The plan, in the event that a Teach-out Plan is not possible or appropriate, for students to complete their course of study or similar course of study at another institution

Transition plan
A plan which allows students to move from their current course and complete a newly accredited equivalent or updated course, with no financial or academic impact. It incorporates available advanced standing a student would receive form their current course of study into their new course

Transnational Education
Learners are located in a country different from the one where the awarding institution is based. The outcome of TNE activity is an award conferred by an Australian higher education institution

Trauma-informed care and practice
Involves understanding, anticipating, and responding to the needs of victim-survivors. This includes active listening, projecting empathy and providing the person with agency. Victim-survivor is an expression used to acknowledge a victim is defined by the harm that has come to them and a survivor is defined by their experience after sexual harm has occurred

A cap worn with an academic gown at a graduation ceremony

Tuition fees
Fees the Institution receives, directly or indirectly, from: a student or prospective student; or another person who pays the fees on behalf of a student or prospective student; that are directly related to the provision of a course that the Institution is providing, or offering to provide, to the student