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There are currently 28 terms in this directory beginning with the letter S.

Scholarly output
Documented evidence of scholarship (and scholarly activity) that can be evaluated quantitatively and/or qualitatively

Scholarly practice
Refers to “established patterns and emerging practices of knowledge building” (Williams et al., 2013:7)

Scholarly-led inquiry
Freedom of academic staff and students to engage in intellectual inquiry, to express opinions and beliefs, and to contribute to public debate, in relation to their subjects of study and scholarly work at the Institution

TEQSA defines scholarship as “activities concerned with gaining new or improved understanding, or appreciation and insights into a field of knowledge, or engaging with and keeping up to date with advances in the field” (TEQSA, 2022:1). The Institution, however, expands the parameters of this definition slightly further to include the output and impact of those activities as part of scholarship.

Scholarship means an award granted to a student to support their education at the Institution. They are awarded based on various criteria, which may include, but not limited to, academic achievement, diversity, equity or inclusion, athletic excellence, community involvement, leadership skills, or other specific qualifications. All scholarships, including third party sponsored scholarships, are in the form of tuition and/or accommodation credits that are applied to the recipient’s account. At no time is a scholarship implemented as a monetary transaction of any kind directly with students. A third party sponsored scholarship is named with the sponsor’s brand, unless stipulated otherwise by the sponsor. Its stipulated value is funded either in part or full by that sponsor party. Scholarships for this purpose are distinct from scholarly activity, also known as scholarship of teaching and learning.

Re-use by a student of their own submitted work without appropriate acknowledgement of the source

Sexual assault
A range of unwanted behaviours, whether in person or online, all of which are unacceptable and constitute a crime. Sexual assault occurs when a person is forced, coerced or tricked into sexual acts against their will or without their consent, including when they have withdrawn their consent. Examples of sexual assault include: rape; non-consensual sexual activity of any kind; sexual battery; domestic violence; dating violence; incest; stalking; non-consensual touching; attempts to commit these acts.

Sexual harassment
An unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, whether in person or online, which, in the circumstances, a reasonable person, aware of those circumstances, would anticipate the possibility that the person would feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated. Examples of sexual harassment include: unwelcome touching, hugging or kissing; staring or leering; making suggestive comments or jokes; displaying sexually explicit pictures or posters; repeated unwanted invitations or requests for sex; asking intrusive questions about a person's private life or body; unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately brushing up against a person; making insults or taunts of a sexual nature; sending sexually explicit emails, SMS text messages or social media communications; accessing sexually explicit internet sites; other unwanted behaviours or material of a sexual nature perpetrated using technology; behaviour which would also be an offence under the criminal law, such as physical assault, indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking or obscene communications; gender or sexuality-based harassment

Sexual harm
Any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature. Sexual harm includes sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, sex-based harassment, and any other unwanted sexual behaviour, whether online or in person. The harm may result in a person feeling uncomfortable, frightened, distressed, intimidated, or harmed either physically or psychologically

SNM means standardised numerical mark. It is usually a percentage (%) and awarded in higher education subjects.

Social medial
The collective of online communications channels such as social networking websites like Facebook or LinkedIn, interactive web technologies like blogs, Instagram or Snapchat, and online media including both official and unofficial pages, groups, clubs and so on

Social responsibility
The commitment to fostering active community engagement, promoting ethical practices, and contributing to the well-being of diverse communities. This involves fostering a culture of respect, inclusivity, and ethical behaviour among staff and students. It also includes engaging in activities that promote social justice, environmental sustainability, and community development

Specified credit
Credit granted towards particular or specific components of a qualification or course of study

Extends to all forms of expressive conduct including oral speech and written, artistic, musical and performing works and activity and communication using social media; the word ‘speak’ has as a corresponding meaning (Independent Review of Freedom of Speech in Australian Higher Education Providers, 2019)

Includes all employees of the Institution, whether full-time or part-time, or sessional staff or not academic staff (Independent Review of Freedom of Speech in Australian Higher Education Providers, 2019)

Staff exchange
An MOU or reciprocal agreement where staff teach for one or two study periods at a partner institution and are paid by the home institution

Standard precautions
Infection control practices used to prevent transmission of diseases that can be acquired by contact with blood, body fluids, non-intact skin (including rashes), and mucous membranes

Standards-based assessment
The judgement and reporting of student learning achievement based on predefined learning outcomes and performance standards. Standards-based assessment can apply at the level of the program, course or assessment task

Strategic risk
Strategic risks are those which would impact on the Institution’s ability to achieve its vision and deliver its strategic objectives

Student accommodation
All student residences operated by the Institution

Student exchange
An MOU or reciprocal agreement where students study for one or two study periods at a partner institution, with no tuition fees involved for the host institution, and students receive pre-approved credit from the home institution

Study abroad
An arrangement where students from a partner institution study at the Institution for one or two study periods on a fee-paying basis and may receive credit from the home institution

Study period
A discrete period of study within a course, namely term, semester, trimester, in which all aspects of course delivery occur, including orientation and examinations

Study tour
An arrangement where students at the Institution undertake a non-award and non-accredited study tour program with relevant industry alliances and partners in relation to their studies at the Institution or an agreement where students and/or staff from partner institutions attend the Institution for short-term non-award and non-accredited study tours

A unit of study which together forms an accredited course. Subjects are designed as discrete entities, but they should be also designed to complement other units to form a coherent program of study that leads to the learning outcomes of an award course and ICMS graduate capabilities. Each subject has a distinct set of learning outcomes the achievement of which is measured through appropriate assessment tasks.

Summative assessment
An activity conducted towards the end of an instructional unit such as topic, module or subject, which contributes to a students’ final grade in a subject or course

Supporting documents
Such as forms or templates may be developed in conjunction with policies, procedures or guidelines as required

Communication between educators and students in real time, either face-to-face or online. With synchronous learning students engage with fellow learners and with educators through interactive tutorials and instant messaging with the aid of breakout rooms and chat functionality. The learning occurs at scheduled times and for set timeframes