There are currently 22 terms in this directory beginning with the letter C.
Certification documentation
The generic term for testamurs, transcripts and an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)
A generic umbrella term for a range of student behaviours that undermine academic integrity. Cheating is academic misconduct. Examples are listed in this Glossary of Terms and include, but are not limited to: collusion, contract cheating, exam cheating, file sharing, impersonation, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of data/information, recycling or resubmitting previously submitted work, unauthorised and/or undeclared use of generative artificial intelligence
Civic leadership
The active process of engaging staff, students and the community in collaborative dialogue and informed action to address community challenges and contribute to the flourishing of a diverse and just society
Civic leadership impact
The Institution’s community engagement benefits the communities that it serves through commitment to promoting social, cultural, economic, and sustainable change
Cognate course
A course of study that is closely related in content, discipline and/or field of study
Unauthorised collaboration in preparation or presentation of work including knowingly allowing a student’s own work to be copied by others. Collusion involves engaging in illegitimate cooperation with one or more other students to complete assessable work. This is different to working on group assignments that are set by lecturers, whereby authorised collaboration is encouraged and a fundamental aspect of the assessment task. Examples of illegitimate cooperation include working with a friend or group of friends to write an essay or report that is meant to be an individual piece of work. It can also include sharing quiz or test questions and answers with other students, as well as written assignments like reports and essays. Illegitimate cooperation can unfairly advantage a student or group of students over others. Students should also never share their work with others as there is a risk the person it is shared with could upload it to an illegal commercial cheating service or circulate it to others
Community engagement
The collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. Engagements can include but not limited to community partnerships, services learning built into curriculum, volunteer programs, leadership development, community outreach programs, and community research projects
A formal expression of a grievance about the Institution, its operations or another person, or about a decision that has been made by the Institution. Where a matter cannot be informally resolved, or if a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of a decision, the student may lodge a formal complaint about any academic or administrative matter
Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW)
A letter provided to students under 18 years of age by their Institution and is required for their student visa application
Confirmation of Enrolment (COE)
An electronic document issued by a provider to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the international student’s eligibility to enrol in the accredited course of study by an approved provider
When a person freely and voluntarily agrees to sexual advances or intercourse. Sexual assault occurs when someone is unable to and/or does not give consent. The law states that a person is unable to give consent when:
asleep or unconscious;
significantly intoxicated or affected by drugs;
unable to understand what they are consenting to due to their age or intellectual capacity;
intimidated, coerced or threatened;
unlawfully detained or held against their will;
they submit due to the person being in a position of trust.
These laws do not generally apply to people under the age of 16 years and vulnerable people who, under the law, cannot be said to have consented because of their age and vulnerability
Contact hours
The number of hours that students are scheduled to attend classes, for teaching purposes, course-related information sessions, supervised study sessions and examinations
Contract cheating
A type of illegal cheating. It is a process where a student requests someone else to produce all or part of an assessment task that is submitted as their own work, including paid arrangements through a third party. This can include asking another person (e.g. relative or friend) to assist with an assessment task, someone else to sit an exam or having them write an essay, report or some other kind of assignment, which is sometimes referred to as 'ghost-writing'. Actions that support illegal contract cheating services are also considered breaches of academic integrity. This includes students uploading teaching materials such as practice exams, lecture slides and assignment questions to 'study notes'
A piece of data stored in a person’s computer by a web browser while browsing a website.
Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified person, or a person who is reasonably identifiable:
(a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and
(b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not
Corporate identity
Includes logos, slogans, corporate colours, typefaces and other elements of visual identity standards
A program of study offered by the Institution leading to an AQF qualification, or a non-award course
Course Development and Advisory Sub-Committee (CDASC)
The committee which oversees the development and review of each course of study at the Institution
The value assigned for the recognition of equivalence in content and learning outcomes between different types of learning and/or qualifications. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification and may be through credit transfer, articulation, recognition of prior learning or advanced standing
Credit transfer
A process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications
Critical Incident
A major or adverse incident, or series of events that have the potential to cause or had caused extreme stress, fear or injury to people or serious or severe damages to the Institution’s operations, environment or reputation.
This may include but is not limited to:
fatality or serious injury;
murder or suicide (or attempted suicide) of students/staff;
a missing student/staff member;
serious crime;
interruption to utilities for an extended period (e.g. electricity, water);
fire, explosion or bomb threat;
assault, including sexual assault;
mental health episode requiring hospitalisation;
major failure in internal and/or financial processes e.g. fraudulent activities, withdrawal of financial support from banks;
major disruption to IT technology;
data security breaches to database or systems e.g. stolen personal information
significant chemical hazards;
threats of violence or terrorist attack;
external emergencies including, storms or natural disasters;
underage student safety concerns or abuse;
public health alert (with a direct threat to students or staff)