1. Purpose
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy outlines the Institution’s commitment to the responsible development and use of AI technologies, balancing innovation and AI benefits with ethical considerations, institutional and societal values and mitigating risk.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the:
- Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) Framework;
- Use of Artificial Intelligence in Assessment Guidelines;
- Academic Integrity Policy (and related procedures);
- Assessment Policy (and related procedures);
- Course and Subject Policy;
- Scholarship and Scholarly Practice Policy (and related procedures);
- Privacy Policy
2. Scope
This policy applies to all students and staff who use AI technology for teaching, learning, scholarly practice and assessment purposes (e.g. including, but not limited to, students who are completing assessments or staff who are developing course materials or teaching). This policy also applies to any external parties who collaborate with the Institution on projects where AI technology is used (e.g. including, but not limited to, independent contractors commissioned to develop subjects).
3. Definitions
See Glossary of Terms.
4. Policy statements
4.1 The Institution supports the responsible and appropriate use of AI technology by its students and staff in teaching, learning, scholarly practice and assessment practices to increase student engagement, enrich learning and support improved learning outcomes. Refer to the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) Framework.
4.2 The Institution is committed to ensuring the use of AI technology aligns with ethical principles including community benefit, fairness, transparency, accountability, and privacy and security. It is aligned with the principles outlined in NSW Government’s Mandatory Ethical Principles for the Use of AI and the Australia’s Artificial Intelligence Ethics Principles.
4.3 AI technology is embedded into learning to develop AI literacy skills and to prepare students for emerging innovations of AI within industry. It is used to support and enhance critical thinking and creativity, rather than restrict human thought and experience. Provision for AI technology in course, subject and assessment design is outlined in the AIED Framework, Course and Subject Policy and Assessment Policy.
4.4 The Institution ensures equitable access to AI technology across diverse cohorts of students and staff, including those with disabilities and access needs in accordance with the principles outlined in the Technologies of Learning and Teaching Policy and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.
4.5 Where AI technology is permitted in assessments, the Institution upholds the integrity of assessment to ensure that students achieve course and subject learning outcomes.
4.6 Students are provided with educational resources and training to increase AI literacy and competency.
4.7 Staff are provided with educational resources and professional development opportunities to develop AI literacy skills and to stay informed of emerging developments.
Responsible and appropriate use
4.8 Students may use AI technology only if express permission is given in the relevant assessment brief for a subject. Unauthorised or undeclared use of AI constitutes academic misconduct and is dealt with in accordance with the Academic Integrity Policy.
4.9 Staff may use AI technology to enhance teaching and learning, support development of course materials and improve operational efficiencies subject to applicable procedures/ guidelines.
4.10 The Institution is committed to the transparent and responsible disclosure of AI use. Users must acknowledge where and how they have used AI such that it can be understood and evaluated.
4.11 Users are accountable for their use of AI and any outcomes and must ensure appropriate human oversight.
4.12 The Institution provides a list of approved AI technologies for use by students and staff..
4.13 The Institution recognises the potential benefit of AI for collating diverse perspectives. However, users should understand AI’s inherent limitations and its potential risks to perpetuate biases or discrimination. Users must critically evaluate the credibility of any generated content against trusted sources and evidence, and address any errors, inconsistencies, or biases.
4.14 Users must respect and uphold the Institution’s privacy and data protection principles to ensure data security, prevent data leaks and avoid unnecessary data collection. Users must not submit any sensitive, confidential or private information pertaining to the Institution, or individual members of its community to any AI technology (including Institution approved AI technology) under any circumstances.
4.15 Users must be aware of and take measures to uphold the Intellectual Property (IP) rights of the Institution and its partners, and comply with applicable copyright rights and obligations. Staff are not permitted to upload personal information or highly sensitive information into unsecured and publicly accessible open AI programs (e.g. ChatGPT) including institutional IP or work of colleagues or students. Information about how to access the Institution’s secured AI platform is outlined in the Microsoft Copilot User Guide.
4.16 All staff undertaking scholarly activity must appropriately acknowledge the use of AI where it is utilised and also ensure that prospective dissemination outlets support its use (e.g. funding bodies, publishers, etc.).
4.17 Breaches of this policy are dealt with in accordance with the misconduct procedures outlined in the Employee Handbook (staff), and the Academic Integrity Policy and General Misconduct Policy (students).
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 The Chief Information Officer (CIO) and DVC (Learning and Teaching) are jointly responsible for this policy.
5.2 The Academic Board assures the quality of teaching and learning by maintaining oversight of academic integrity and monitoring of potential risks. It is responsible for being agile and adaptive within a rapidly evolving AI environment while providing the necessary oversight and rigour to ensure a rewarding student experience and ongoing compliance with the Higher education Standards Framework. The Academic Board ensures that any use of AI in teaching and learning activities maintains the integrity of the Institution’s awards as per 5.2 and 6.3.2.d of the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.
5.3 The Learning and Teaching Committee is responsible for monitoring and the systematic review of the impact of AI tools on student learning outcomes, and monitoring technology-enhanced learning activities, and making recommendations for improvement to the Academic Board.
5.4 The Course and Subject Committee is responsible for monitoring the use of AI technology as part of course, subject and assessment design.
5.5 The Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee is responsible for evaluating the inherent risks associated with AI tools and considering risk mitigation strategies, and reporting to the Board of Directors.
5.6 The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that there are governance frameworks, policies and strategies in place that guide the use of AI to ensure the integrity of the Institution’s awards, and protect the Institution’s IP and staff and student privacy.
5.7 The CIO has oversight of all IT systems and technology, including AI, and approving AI technology for use.
5.8 The DVC (Learning and Teaching) is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the AIED Framework and reporting progress through academic governance.
5.9 The Learning, Teaching and Innovation Team are responsible for driving innovation and advising academic staff in relation to technology-enhanced learning in consultation with the IT department.
6. Related documents
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) Framework
Academic Integrity Policy (and related procedures)
Assessment Policy (and related procedures)
Course and Subject Policy
Scholarship and Scholarly Practice Policy (and related procedures)
Privacy Policy
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Assessment Guidelines
Approved by the Board of Directors on 25 June 2024