There are currently 11 terms in this directory beginning with the letter E.
Educational technologies
All online and mobile technologies including software, hardware and networks which allow user participation and interaction and that are not integrated within the Institution’s internal systems. Educational technologies include but are not restricted to information and communication technologies (computers and networks, mobile devices, video conferencing and multi-media and teaching and learning spaces). Some examples include:
social networking technologies for establishing and building online relationships with Facebook;
micro-sharing or synchronous chat systems in real time e.g. Twitter;
social bookmarking for storing and sharing web links e.g. Diigo;
file sharing for saving and/or sharing files in a wide range of formats e.g. YouTube videos;
SlideShare for presentations e.g. Dropbox;
communication tools for communicating synchronous and asynchronous ways e.g. Skype or Zoom;
Instant messaging (IM);
collaboration writing tools, wikis, blogs, websites;
participative technologies in the classroom-using free, community supported network
collaboration tools, working with others to co-create documents; e.g. Googledocs, Wikispaces, Mindmeister;
blogging for reading, commenting on or writing blog posts, e.g. Blogger, WordPress;
pod/vodcasting-for creating or listening to audio (MP3) files, e.g. Audacity;
Learning Management System [LMS]- means computer-based platform for online learning and teaching;
learning analytics means the collection and analysis of data about student learning, teaching and the learning environment to allow us to optimise learning for each student
ELICOS course
An English language course designed for international students who require English language training before commencing their studies in Australia. ELICOS stands for English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students
sudden, unexpected event that requires an immediate response from the Institution’s nominated staff and/or external emergency services
Evaluation of viability
Reporting on the viability of courses and subjects with regard to relevant contextual factors
Exam cheating
Includes but is not limited to:
writing ‘cheat notes’ on a person’s body or materials taken into the exam room
attempting to copy from other students
communicating with other students or people outside the exam venue while the exam is in progress
using electronic devices to access information related to the exam while it is in progress
bringing prohibited items, such as unapproved calculators or textbooks into exams
use of additional screens in a proctored exam (whereby proctoring software monitors a computer’s desktop).
Exceptional circumstances
The student has an illness or other circumstances beyond their control and has an impact on the ability to attend, submit or complete the assessable activity or task
An Institution initiated termination of a student’s enrolment for a specified period of time, usually two consecutive study periods
External referencing
A process through which a higher education provider compares an aspect of its operations, processes or performance with an external comparator(s) e.g. comparing the design of a course of study and/or student achievement of learning outcomes with that of a course from another comparable provider(s)