There are currently 22 terms in this directory beginning with the letter A.
Academic freedom
Academic freedom comprises the following elements:
the freedom of academic staff to teach, discuss, and research and to disseminate and publish the results of their research without restriction by established scholarly consensus or institutional policy, but subject to scholarly standards;
the freedom of academic staff and students to engage in intellectual inquiry, to express their opinions and beliefs, and to contribute to public debate, in relation to their subjects of study and research;
the freedom of academic staff and students to express their opinions in relation to the Institution in which they work or are enrolled free from institutional censorship or sanction;
the freedom of academic staff and students to make public comment on any issue in their personal capacities, not speaking either on behalf of the Institution or as an officer of the Institution;
the freedom of academic staff to participate in professional or representative academic bodies;
the freedom of students to participate in student societies and associations;
the autonomy of the Institution which resides in its governors, executive and academic staff in relation to the choice of academic courses and offerings, the ways in which they are taught and the choices of research activities and the ways in which they are conducted.
Academic integrity
The expectation that teachers, students, researchers and all members of the academic community act with: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility
Academic leadership
Academic leadership in higher education providers is a subset of the overall institutional or corporate leadership of the provider, differentiated mainly by its focus on academic matters. Academic matters include teaching, learning, scholarship and related matters (TEQSA Guidance Note, Academic Leadership, 18 June, 2019, Beta Version 1.0)
Academic misconduct
A breach of academic integrity (e.g. all types of cheating). This may have occurred recently or in the past. Examples are listed in this Glossary of Terms and include, but are not limited to: collusion, contract cheating, exam cheating, file sharing, impersonation, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of data/information, recycling or resubmitting previously submitted work, unauthorised and/or undeclared use of generative artificial intelligence
Academic progression
The level of academic standing or achievement made by a student towards completion of their course in each study period. Academic progression involves active monitoring by the Institution of students’ academic achievement and the provision of appropriate communication and support to maximise the possibility of success
Academic risk
Academic risks are those which impact upon the delivery of academic services, including risks to teaching and learning and student engagement
Academic staff
All those employed by the Institution to teach and/or carry out scholarship and extends to those who provide, whether on an honorary basis or otherwise, teaching services and/or scholarship at the Institution
Academic standing
The status of a student’s progress towards completion of their course. Academic standing is determined at the end of each standard study period
Access device
A mechanism that allows entry in or about the student accommodation or bedroom such as keys, swipe card, etc
Affirmative consent
Consent is actively sought and actively communicated. This approach shifts from a “no means no” standard to “yes means yes”, in that an individual seeking to engage in sexual activity with another person must obtain clear, express consent from them before (and while) engaging in a sexual act
A broad term encompassing various types of formal collaborations including Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), articulation arrangements, study abroad and student exchange agreements, study tours, and staff exchange
Appeal means the formal process whereby a student disputes a complaint decision relating to an academic or administrative matter. The appeal process is the next step in the process after the complaint stage
Approved qualified academic
A senior member of the academic team, with appropriate experience and qualifications in reviewing and approving advanced standing applications. A list of Approved Qualified Academics available to approve advanced standing applications is appointed by the DVC (Learning and Teaching) in consultation with the CEO
Approving body
Either the Board of Directors for the approval of quality-assurance related and non-academic policies or the Academic Board for the approval of academic-related policies that do not have an impact on the business model of the Institution
A formal agreement which enables a student to progress from a course educational institution to a course at this Institution with a specified amount of credit, facilitating student progression from one course to another
Artificial intelligence
As defined by the European Commission (2018), artificial intelligence encompasses systems that demonstrate intelligent behaviour by autonomously analysing their environment and undertaking actions to achieve specific objectives. These AI-based systems, powered by advanced technologies such as machine learning and neural networks, can autonomously generate, transform, and produce a broad array of content including, text, images, artwork, music, and programming code. In the context of our rapidly digitizing society, students will likely use AI tools in their future professional lives. Therefore, they should be given opportunities to integrate these tools into their education responsibly and ethically
A systematic process for facilitating and evaluating student learning which includes the design, development and implementation of assessment tasks, and the judgement and reporting of student performance
Associated instruments
A generic and holistic reference to the type of documents that may be developed in conjunction with policies such as procedures, guidelines, forms, templates and any other supporting documents
Australian International Education and Training Agent Code of Ethics
A component of Australia’s international education and training framework, providing a guide to the expected professional behaviour of international representatives working with international students, parents, providers and fellow international representatives; while providing a set of standards for representatives and supporting providers to meet National Code obligations