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There are currently 224 terms in this directory

Online and offline communication. Asynchronous learning involves watching recorded lectures, contributing to online discussion forums and activities, and pursuing self-paced learning tasks. Students watch the lecturers, contribute to online discussion forums and work on self-paced tasks in their own time, within a prescribed timeframe

BCM response
Triggered by the CEO and requires that an incident be managed in accordance with this Policy, the Business Continuity Procedure and the BCP

Critical Business Functions (CBF)
Key activities, functions, and processes (including teaching and learning, administration, regulatory compliance, and operations) that must be restored in the event of a disruption to ensure the ability to protect the organisation’s assets, meet organisational needs, and satisfy regulations


21st Century skills
Skills often associated with employability for example critical thinking, problem solving, communication, digital literacy and information literacy


Academic freedom
Academic freedom comprises the following elements: the freedom of academic staff to teach, discuss, and research and to disseminate and publish the results of their research without restriction by established scholarly consensus or institutional policy, but subject to scholarly standards; the freedom of academic staff and students to engage in intellectual inquiry, to express their opinions and beliefs, and to contribute to public debate, in relation to their subjects of study and research; the freedom of academic staff and students to express their opinions in relation to the Institution in which they work or are enrolled free from institutional censorship or sanction; the freedom of academic staff and students to make public comment on any issue in their personal capacities, not speaking either on behalf of the Institution or as an officer of the Institution; the freedom of academic staff to participate in professional or representative academic bodies; the freedom of students to participate in student societies and associations; the autonomy of the Institution which resides in its governors, executive and academic staff in relation to the choice of academic courses and offerings, the ways in which they are taught and the choices of research activities and the ways in which they are conducted.

Academic integrity
The expectation that teachers, students, researchers and all members of the academic community act with: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility

Academic leadership
Academic leadership in higher education providers is a subset of the overall institutional or corporate leadership of the provider, differentiated mainly by its focus on academic matters. Academic matters include teaching, learning, scholarship and related matters (TEQSA Guidance Note, Academic Leadership, 18 June, 2019, Beta Version 1.0)

Academic misconduct
A breach of academic integrity (e.g. all types of cheating). This may have occurred recently or in the past. Examples are listed in this Glossary of Terms and include, but are not limited to: collusion, contract cheating, exam cheating, file sharing, impersonation, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of data/information, recycling or resubmitting previously submitted work, unauthorised and/or undeclared use of generative artificial intelligence

Academic progression
The level of academic standing or achievement made by a student towards completion of their course in each study period. Academic progression involves active monitoring by the Institution of students’ academic achievement and the provision of appropriate communication and support to maximise the possibility of success

Academic risk
Academic risks are those which impact upon the delivery of academic services, including risks to teaching and learning and student engagement

Academic staff
All those employed by the Institution to teach and/or carry out scholarship and extends to those who provide, whether on an honorary basis or otherwise, teaching services and/or scholarship at the Institution

Academic standing
The status of a student’s progress towards completion of their course. Academic standing is determined at the end of each standard study period

Access device
A mechanism that allows entry in or about the student accommodation or bedroom such as keys, swipe card, etc

Advanced standing
A form of credit for any previous learning

Affirmative consent
Consent is actively sought and actively communicated. This approach shifts from a “no means no” standard to “yes means yes”, in that an individual seeking to engage in sexual activity with another person must obtain clear, express consent from them before (and while) engaging in a sexual act

A broad term encompassing various types of formal collaborations including Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), articulation arrangements, study abroad and student exchange agreements, study tours, and staff exchange

Appeal means the formal process whereby a student disputes a complaint decision relating to an academic or administrative matter. The appeal process is the next step in the process after the complaint stage

Approved qualified academic
A senior member of the academic team, with appropriate experience and qualifications in reviewing and approving advanced standing applications. A list of Approved Qualified Academics available to approve advanced standing applications is appointed by the DVC (Learning and Teaching) in consultation with the CEO

Approving body
Either the Board of Directors for the approval of quality-assurance related and non-academic policies or the Academic Board for the approval of academic-related policies that do not have an impact on the business model of the Institution

Australian Qualifications Framework

A formal agreement which enables a student to progress from a course educational institution to a course at this Institution with a specified amount of credit, facilitating student progression from one course to another

Artificial intelligence
As defined by the European Commission (2018), artificial intelligence encompasses systems that demonstrate intelligent behaviour by autonomously analysing their environment and undertaking actions to achieve specific objectives. These AI-based systems, powered by advanced technologies such as machine learning and neural networks, can autonomously generate, transform, and produce a broad array of content including, text, images, artwork, music, and programming code. In the context of our rapidly digitizing society, students will likely use AI tools in their future professional lives. Therefore, they should be given opportunities to integrate these tools into their education responsibly and ethically

A systematic process for facilitating and evaluating student learning which includes the design, development and implementation of assessment tasks, and the judgement and reporting of student performance

Associated instruments
A generic and holistic reference to the type of documents that may be developed in conjunction with policies such as procedures, guidelines, forms, templates and any other supporting documents

Australian International Education and Training Agent Code of Ethics
A component of Australia’s international education and training framework, providing a guide to the expected professional behaviour of international representatives working with international students, parents, providers and fellow international representatives; while providing a set of standards for representatives and supporting providers to meet National Code obligations

Award course
A course recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework and approved by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)


A structured, collaborative, learning process for comparing practices, processes or performance outcomes. Its purpose is to identify comparative strengths and weaknesses, as a basis for developing improvements in academic or operational quality standards

Doing good and avoiding harm to others

Block credit
Credit granted for components or groups of subjects within a course upon completion of another formal qualification, or subject to satisfying AQF level criteria as detailed in block credit arrangement

Board of Examiners
The committee designated to review all students’ academic results and progression status according to the Governance Charter

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
The use of personal computers, smartphones or other devices for study or work purposes.

Business continuity
The capability of the Institution to continue to deliver teaching and learning, administration, regulatory compliance, and operations at an acceptable level following a disruption

Business Continuity Management (BCM)
Holistic management process that identifies potential threats and impacts to business operations

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Documented procedures to guide how the Institution responds, recovers, resumes, and restores to a pre-defined level of operation following disruption. The BCP is used as a communication and decision support tool and is executed in response to a disruption to a Critical Business Function. The BCP will be reviewed annually


Certification documentation
The generic term for testamurs, transcripts and an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)

A generic umbrella term for a range of student behaviours that undermine academic integrity. Cheating is academic misconduct. Examples are listed in this Glossary of Terms and include, but are not limited to: collusion, contract cheating, exam cheating, file sharing, impersonation, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of data/information, recycling or resubmitting previously submitted work, unauthorised and/or undeclared use of generative artificial intelligence

Civic leadership
The active process of engaging staff, students and the community in collaborative dialogue and informed action to address community challenges and contribute to the flourishing of a diverse and just society

Civic leadership impact
The Institution’s community engagement benefits the communities that it serves through commitment to promoting social, cultural, economic, and sustainable change

Cognate course
A course of study that is closely related in content, discipline and/or field of study

Unauthorised collaboration in preparation or presentation of work including knowingly allowing a student’s own work to be copied by others. Collusion involves engaging in illegitimate cooperation with one or more other students to complete assessable work. This is different to working on group assignments that are set by lecturers, whereby authorised collaboration is encouraged and a fundamental aspect of the assessment task. Examples of illegitimate cooperation include working with a friend or group of friends to write an essay or report that is meant to be an individual piece of work. It can also include sharing quiz or test questions and answers with other students, as well as written assignments like reports and essays. Illegitimate cooperation can unfairly advantage a student or group of students over others. Students should also never share their work with others as there is a risk the person it is shared with could upload it to an illegal commercial cheating service or circulate it to others

Community engagement
The collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. Engagements can include but not limited to community partnerships, services learning built into curriculum, volunteer programs, leadership development, community outreach programs, and community research projects

A formal expression of a grievance about the Institution, its operations or another person, or about a decision that has been made by the Institution. Where a matter cannot be informally resolved, or if a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of a decision, the student may lodge a formal complaint about any academic or administrative matter

The act of giving or awarding a qualification

Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW)
A letter provided to students under 18 years of age by their Institution and is required for their student visa application

Confirmation of Enrolment (COE)
An electronic document issued by a provider to intending international students and which must accompany their application for a student visa. It confirms the international student’s eligibility to enrol in the accredited course of study by an approved provider

When a person freely and voluntarily agrees to sexual advances or intercourse. Sexual assault occurs when someone is unable to and/or does not give consent. The law states that a person is unable to give consent when: asleep or unconscious; significantly intoxicated or affected by drugs; unable to understand what they are consenting to due to their age or intellectual capacity; intimidated, coerced or threatened; unlawfully detained or held against their will; they submit due to the person being in a position of trust. These laws do not generally apply to people under the age of 16 years and vulnerable people who, under the law, cannot be said to have consented because of their age and vulnerability

Contact hours
 The number of hours that students are scheduled to attend classes, for teaching purposes, course-related information sessions, supervised study sessions and examinations

Contract cheating
A type of illegal cheating. It is a process where a student requests someone else to produce all or part of an assessment task that is submitted as their own work, including paid arrangements through a third party. This can include asking another person (e.g. relative or friend) to assist with an assessment task, someone else to sit an exam or having them write an essay, report or some other kind of assignment, which is sometimes referred to as 'ghost-writing'. Actions that support illegal contract cheating services are also considered breaches of academic integrity. This includes students uploading teaching materials such as practice exams, lecture slides and assignment questions to 'study notes'

A piece of data stored in a person’s computer by a web browser while browsing a website. Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified person, or a person who is reasonably identifiable: (a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and (b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not

Corporate identity
Includes logos, slogans, corporate colours, typefaces and other elements of visual identity standards

A program of study offered by the Institution leading to an AQF qualification, or a non-award course

Course Development and Advisory Sub-Committee (CDASC)
The committee which oversees the development and review of each course of study at the Institution

The value assigned for the recognition of equivalence in content and learning outcomes between different types of learning and/or qualifications. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification and may be through credit transfer, articulation, recognition of prior learning or advanced standing

Credit transfer
A process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications

The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students

Critical Incident
A major or adverse incident, or series of events that have the potential to cause or had caused extreme stress, fear or injury to people or serious or severe damages to the Institution’s operations, environment or reputation. This may include but is not limited to: fatality or serious injury; murder or suicide (or attempted suicide) of students/staff; a missing student/staff member; serious crime; interruption to utilities for an extended period (e.g. electricity, water); fire, explosion or bomb threat; assault, including sexual assault; mental health episode requiring hospitalisation; major failure in internal and/or financial processes e.g. fraudulent activities, withdrawal of financial support from banks; major disruption to IT technology; data security breaches to database or systems e.g. stolen personal information significant chemical hazards; threats of violence or terrorist attack; external emergencies including, storms or natural disasters; underage student safety concerns or abuse; public health alert (with a direct threat to students or staff)


Deferral or defer
Refers to commencing students who have received an offer of admission but wish to delay their course commencement date at the Institution. All deferral requests must be made in accordance with the Deferral Procedures.

Deferred examination
A late examination which is conducted after the timetabled final examination period due to a student’s serious misadventure, accident or other extenuating circumstances

Department of Home Affairs (DHA)
Department of Home Affairs (DHA) brings together Australia’s federal law enforcement, national and transport security, criminal justice, emergency management, multicultural affairs and immigration and border-related functions

Disability * means: total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions; or total or partial loss of a part of the body; or the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness; or the presence in the body or organisms capable of causing disease or illness; or the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body; or a disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction; or a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgment or that results in disturbed behaviour; and includes a disability that: presently exists; or previously existed but no longer exists; or may exist in the future (including because of a genetic predisposition to that disability); or is imputed to a person. *Definition from the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth). To avoid doubt, a disability that is otherwise covered by this definition includes behaviour that is a symptom or manifestation of the disability

Involves the sharing of information about an alleged experience of sexual harm with another person

A student initiated total withdrawal from a course of study at the Institution

An incident that interrupts normal business functions, operations, or processes, whether anticipated or unanticipated

Distribution of grades
The spread or range of grades from fail to high distinction in higher education subjects and competent to not yet competent for VET units of competency. A student’s final result will include one of these grades plus a standardised numerical mark (SNM) for higher education subjects. The final SNM and grade is determined by an assessment of performance on individual assessment tasks against the identified criteria and standards. Final grades describe a student’s achievement based on the overall performance and the extent to which they can demonstrate the achievement of learning outcomes or competencies

Understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising and respecting individual differences

Domestic applicant
An Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or New Zealand citizen

Domestic student
A student who is an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen or a holder of an Australian permanent visa (including Humanitarian visas)

Duty to foster the wellbeing of staff and students
To: ensure that no member of staff and no student suffers unfair disadvantage or discrimination on any basis recognised by law, including race, gender, sexuality, religion and political belief; ensure that no member of staff and no student is subject to threatening or intimidating behaviour on account of anything they have said or proposed to say in exercising their freedom of speech; supports reasonable and proportionate measures to prevent any person from using lawful speech which a reasonable person would regard, in the circumstances, as likely to humiliate or intimidate other persons and which is intended to have either or both of these effects; does not extend to a duty to protect any person from feeling offended or insulted by the lawful speech of another. (Independent Review of Freedom of Speech in Australian Higher Education Providers, 2019)


Educational technologies
All online and mobile technologies including software, hardware and networks which allow user participation and interaction and that are not integrated within the Institution’s internal systems. Educational technologies include but are not restricted to information and communication technologies (computers and networks, mobile devices, video conferencing and multi-media and teaching and learning spaces). Some examples include: social networking technologies for establishing and building online relationships with Facebook; micro-sharing or synchronous chat systems in real time e.g. Twitter; social bookmarking for storing and sharing web links e.g. Diigo; file sharing for saving and/or sharing files in a wide range of formats e.g. YouTube videos; SlideShare for presentations e.g. Dropbox; communication tools for communicating synchronous and asynchronous ways e.g. Skype or Zoom; Instant messaging (IM); collaboration writing tools, wikis, blogs, websites; participative technologies in the classroom-using free, community supported network collaboration tools, working with others to co-create documents; e.g. Googledocs, Wikispaces, Mindmeister; blogging for reading, commenting on or writing blog posts, e.g. Blogger, WordPress; pod/vodcasting-for creating or listening to audio (MP3) files, e.g. Audacity; Learning Management System [LMS]- means computer-based platform for online learning and teaching; learning analytics means the collection and analysis of data about student learning, teaching and the learning environment to allow us to optimise learning for each student

English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students

ELICOS course
An English language course designed for international students who require English language training before commencing their studies in Australia. ELICOS stands for English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students

sudden, unexpected event that requires an immediate response from the Institution’s nominated staff and/or external emergency services

The Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000

Evaluation of viability
Reporting on the viability of courses and subjects with regard to relevant contextual factors

Exam cheating
Includes but is not limited to:  writing ‘cheat notes’ on a person’s body or materials taken into the exam room  attempting to copy from other students  communicating with other students or people outside the exam venue while the exam is in progress  using electronic devices to access information related to the exam while it is in progress  bringing prohibited items, such as unapproved calculators or textbooks into exams  impersonation  use of additional screens in a proctored exam (whereby proctoring software monitors a computer’s desktop).

Exceptional circumstances
The student has an illness or other circumstances beyond their control and has an impact on the ability to attend, submit or complete the assessable activity or task

An Institution initiated termination of a student’s enrolment for a specified period of time, usually two consecutive study periods

External referencing
A process through which a higher education provider compares an aspect of its operations, processes or performance with an external comparator(s) e.g. comparing the design of a course of study and/or student achievement of learning outcomes with that of a course from another comparable provider(s)

External visiting speaker
Any person who is not an invited visiting speaker and for whom permission is sought to speak on the Institution’s campuses or facilities


Fabricating or falsifying information
Intentional creation, and unauthorised or undisclosed alteration, of any information or citation. For example, the use of artificial intelligence platforms (such as Generative Pre-trained Transformers – GPTs) to fabricate information

Face-to-face learning
Face-to-face learning refers to the learning and teaching that happens in a classroom where lecturer and student meet in a physical space for a scheduled time for group classes. Face-to-face students in a hybrid class access learning content and activities in the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) in a comparable way to online students

A loan to help eligible fee paying students to pay their tuition fees under the Higher Education Support Act 2003

The unauthorised sharing of course content and assessment material on online study platforms and commercial contract cheating websites

Final examination
An examination which takes place during the formal examination period at the end of a study period

Formal learning
Learning undertaken through a structured program of learning and assessment that leads to the full or partial attainment of a recognised Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification

Formal report
Provides a formal account/complaint about an alleged experience of sexual harm to a person or institution that has the authority to take action

Formative assessment
An activity which provides information (feedback) to staff and students on the achievement of learning during and throughout the learning process

Foundation program
A program of study for students who have not completed high school year 12 or equivalent


General misconduct
Unacceptable or improper behaviour at the Institution is defined as either academic misconduct or general misconduct. General misconduct is governed by the General Misconduct Policy

Generative artificial intelligence (AI)
A category of AI models and systems that are designed to generate new content, such as text, images, music, or videos, that resembles human-created content. These AI models are trained on large datasets and learn patterns and structures within the data to generate new examples that are similar in style and format

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)
A subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating new data samples that resemble real-world data, as described by the Information Technology Gartner Glossary (2023). It involves deep-learning models that can generate statistically probable outputs when prompted. These models encode a simplified representation of their training data and draw from it to create new work that's similar, but not identical, to the original data

Genuine attempt (of assessments)
The honest and sincere effort made by a student to complete an assessment task. This effort should demonstrate the student\'s application of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes relevant to the assessment task and provides applicable and satisfactory evidence (as deemed as such by the Institution) for a lecturer to measure student achievement of the learning outcomes. An attempt to submit an assessment task is not genuine if it contains: • A cover page only • An irrelevant or empty document • An assessment template or brief with no answers Where an assessment is subject to an academic integrity matter, the Academic Integrity Policy and Academic Integrity Procedures will apply.

Ghost writing
Also known as contract cheating or impersonation. See contract cheating definition

Grade Point Average and is calculated by allocating a grade point (0 to 5) to each grade (Fail to High Distinction) a student has achieved and calculating the average. GPA is the average of the grade points a student has achieved in their course of study

A symbol that indicates the level of student performance in a subject against specified standards. Grades are awarded for summative assessments, to enable the Institute to provide the student and the outside community, a final statement of the student's achievement of the learning outcomes in that subject

A document that provides advice on best practice and includes additional detail or further context related to the policy and procedures


Situations or things that have the potential to harm a person

Health and Safety Representative (HSR)
An employee who has been elected under the model WHS Act to represent the Institution on health and safety issues

A loan to help Commonwealth Supported Place students to pay for their tuition fees under the Higher Education Support Act 2003

The Higher Education Loans Program

High-risk subject
A subject that requires more formal supervision in the short term, for any of (but not limited to) the following reasons: student feedback, high failure rates, different modes or locations of delivery, first delivery post subject development or re-development, or delivery by a new lecturer for the first time

Higher Education Standards Framework (2015)
The Commonwealth legislation that all Australian higher education providers must adhere to

Accommodation within a home (usually with a family). Meals and utility bills are usually provided and included in the rent a student pays

Human research
Research conducted about or with people


International English Language Testing System (IELTS). It is a globally recognised and popular English language proficiency test for higher education and global migration. International student means a student who is not a domestic student, and who may hold a student visa and is protected by the ESOS legislative framework

Where a student requests someone else to produce all or part of an assessment task that is submitted as their own work, including sitting an examination. This is also known as contract cheating or ghost writing

Imposed by law
In relation to restrictions or burdens or conditions on a freedom include restrictions or burdens or conditions imposed by statute law, the common law (including the law of defamation), duties of confidentiality, restrictions deriving from intellectual property law and restrictions imposed by contract (Independent Review of Freedom of Speech in Australian Higher Education Providers, 2019)

A person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and is accepted as such by the community in which he or she lives

Industry and community partner
Community groups, government, not-for-profit enterprises, professional associations, alumni, corporations and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that work with the Institution to provide meaningful work integrated learning experiences for students

Infectious diseases
Caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi; the diseases can be spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another” (World Health Organisation). Refer to the NSW Health website for an up-to-date A-Z list of infectious diseases

Informal learning
Learning gained through work-related, social, family, hobby or leisure activities and experiences. Unlike 'formal' and 'non-formal' learning, 'informal learning' is not organised or externally structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support

Inherent requirements
The skills and knowledge in a course which must be successfully completed by all students regardless of their level of disability because they are essential to the relevant course and its outcomes

The college, institute or school registered as the trading or business name under the legal business entity of International College of Management, Sydney Pty Ltd ATF ICTHM Trust (ABN No 54 174 259 919, CRICOS Provider Code: 01484M, TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12025 & RTO No: 90851)

Institutional alliances
Strategic partnerships between institutions that involve comprehensive, long-term collaborations

Honesty and probity as qualities of character and behaviour

Internal referencing
A process through which a higher education provider compares an aspect of its operations with an internal comparator(s) e.g. comparing student performance between different cohorts

International applicant
Any person who is not an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or New Zealand citizen

International representatives
Education agents (in or outside Australia) who recruit international students and refers them to the Institution

International student
A student who is not a domestic student, and who holds a student visa and is protected by the ESOS legislative framework

Explains the ways in which systems of inequality based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class and other forms of discrimination “intersect” to create unique dynamics and effects (Centre for Intersectional Justice)

Intervention strategy
A plan of action adopted and communicated to the student to address and reduce the causes of not maintaining satisfactory attendance for those students identified as at risk academically

Invited visiting speaker
Any person who has been invited by the Institution or by a student society or association or group of students or representative body or by a member or members of the academic staff of the Institution to speak on the Institution’s campuses or facilities


Concern for equity and fairness amongst humans


Learning and Teaching Principles
Learning at ICMS is Career-focused, Global, Connected, Empowering and Scholarly-Led Inquiry

Learning outcomes
Explicit statements of what specific knowledge and skills students will be required to learn, apply and demonstrate. Each course has a distinct set of learning outcomes that broadly describe what students must achieve in order to successfully complete a course. Subject learning outcomes are more specific and define what students must successfully demonstrate in order to complete a particular subject

Leave of absence
A student initiated period of approved leave from a course of study, also known as student initiated suspension

An acronym which represents gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, queer and questioning, intersex, and asexual communities, where “plus” represents anyone else who resonates with these communities but whose term is not included

The Learning Management System used at the Institution. Moodle is the learning management system currently used


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
An overarching non-legally binding document indicating an intention to undertake collaboration with national or international institutions or networks

Unacceptable or improper behaviour

Quality assurance, control processes and activities such as peer review that aim to assure:  • consistency or comparability, appropriateness, and fairness of assessment judgments; and • the validity and reliability of assessment tasks, criteria and standards. Moderation of assessment processes establish comparability of standards of student performance across, for example, different markers, locations, subjects, providers and/or courses of study


National Code
The National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (ESCPHR)
States that educational institutions must be satisfied that any research conducted meets relevant standards and that scholars are adequately experience and qualified or supervised by those who are

Natural justice
A technical term for the rule against bias and the right to a fair hearing. Also referred to as a duty to act fairly

Negligible and low risk
The only foreseeable risk is negligible, causing minor or low levels of inconvenience and where the worst-case scenario would only involve mild discomfort for participants

Nested qualifications
Qualifications that include articulated arrangements from a lower level qualification into a higher level qualification to enable multiple entry and exit points

Non-award course
A course leading to a qualification or an award not covered by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

Non-formal learning
Learning that is undertaken through a structured program of learning but does not lead to a formally recognised qualification

Non-tuition fees
Fees payable to the Institution and associated with the course of study such as uniforms

Notifiable diseases
The requirement that certain medical conditions be notified to public health authorities in NSW, Australia in accordance with the Public Health Act 2010


Online teaching and learning
Learning and teaching that takes place in a virtual space where educator and student are not physically together. At the Institution, this takes place through the Moodle LMS and Zoom platform. Online learning involves the students in learning activities that can be completed in their own time as well as through ‘live’ scheduled Zoom sessions where students can interact directly with the lecturer or communicate with their peers for a set period

Open Educational Resources (OERs)
Educational materials which are licensed in ways that provide permissions for individuals and institutions to reuse, adapt and modify the materials for their own use. OERs include all materials that are used in supporting learning and teaching, such as entire courses, subjects or components such as study guides, videos, podcasts, assessment items, software, simulations or online tools

Operational risk
Operational risks are those which cause disruption to the Institution’s day-to-day operations. Operational risks may have a financial impact, affect business continuity or damage the Institution’s reputation


Packaged course
Means students undertake two or more courses on one student visa where there is clear progression from one course to another (e.g. ELICOS to Diploma)

The theory and practice of teaching and its methods

Peer evaluation
A systematic process for facilitating and assessing student collaborative learning within a group which includes the design, development and implementation of assessment tasks, and the judgement and reporting of each student’s performance

Performance standards
Different levels of learning achievement in relation to learning outcomes

The engagement of a student by an industry and community partner in a discipline related workplace setting, or an equivalent professional undertaking by a student, for the purpose of satisfying the expected subject and course learning outcomes

Submitting work that is not a student’s own without acknowledging, citing or referencing the original source of the work. It does not matter whether this is accidental or on purpose, whether the words are changed to make them the student’s own (e.g. use of text spinners and paraphrasing tools) or simply copy and paste. This includes the deliberate use of translation tools (including tools that convert voice / video to text), synonym generators or similar, to rephrase existing content & copying / rephrasing content from samples/exemplars of assessments found in Moodle subjects, ‘washing’, or the use of software to disguise plagiarism. When a student is using another person’s thoughts and ideas, they must reference the source material

A high level strategic directive that establishes principles to guide decision making

Policy framework
The standard approach to and organisation of the development, establishment, amendment and review of policies to ensure relevance, authority and consistency

A collection of evidence of performance indicators or reflections, which can be stored in a single document, folder or blog

Postgraduate course
An accredited course of study intended for graduates or professionals wishing to develop their competency in a particular discipline, at a higher than undergraduate level, or gain advanced knowledge in a new discipline. This type of course does not include a major research component

Principal course
The main course of study to be undertaken by an international student where a student visa has been issued for multiple courses of study. The principal course of study would normally be the final course of study where the international student arrives in Australia with a student visa that covers multiple courses

Privacy notice
A statement that personal information is being collected and what information is being collected, who is collecting the information, and their contact details and address, why this information is being collected and how it will be used, including (but not limited to) the primary purposes and any known secondary purposes for the information in question, whether the information will be disclosed, to whom and for what reason, how a person can request access to their personal information or amend/update it, whether the supply of the information is voluntary or required by law, and any consequences if the information requested is not provided. In some cases, if information is not provided, certain actions may not be possible and may disadvantage the person concerned. This may also be the case if consent is withdrawn

Procedural fairness
Acting fairly in administrative decision making. It relates to the fairness of the procedure by which a decision is made

A document that details the operational steps that should be undertaken in order to implement a policy

Professional experience
Experience obtained through the practice of a profession, including teaching experience, scholarship and professional practice and from which the professional competency, knowledge, skills and learning outcomes achieved can be assessed

Promotional material
All advertising, marketing and recruitment activities


The process of reapplying for admission to a course of study

Reasonable adjustments
Adjustments that allow a student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as other students in the same course. Adjustments are reasonable if they balance the interests of all parties and do not adversely affect the academic standards or inherent requirements of a subject or course

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
An assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit

A document or a file collected and held on an electronic or other device

Record of results
A record of all learning leading to an AQF qualification or an accredited unit in which a student is enrolled. This may be called a ‘transcript of results’, ‘academic transcript’, ‘record of achievement’, or ‘statement of results’

Retell a series of events

Recovery Time Objective (RTO)
The period following an incident within which an activity must be resumed, or resources must be recovered

Recycling or resubmitting work
Submitting (or resubmitting) work that has already been assessed, without the lecturer’s permission. For example, submitting a report that a student was graded on in a first-year class as part of their work in a third-year class. If a student wants to build on their previous work (including when repeating a subject), they should discuss this first with their lecturer and the amount can only make up a very small percentage of the content submitted, and must be referenced accordingly. Also known as self-plagiarism

Aspect of scholarship that involves a systematic process of gathering data and analysing them in order to provide insights into particular issues or explain areas where there appear to be gaps in what is currently known

An acknowledgment of the value of each person

The individual against whom proceedings are commenced, also known as a ‘defendant'. In the context of this policy, it is the party who/ which did not make the allegation

Responsible Officer
Normally a senior manager with whom the policy subject matter most clearly resides. The Responsible Officer has overarching responsibility for the policy and related procedures and is accountable for the implementation and compliance of the policy

Review of assessment results
Review of the marks or grades for an individual assessment task or the final mark or grade for a subject

The potential to cause harm to others from a mild to a significant level

A set of directives governing conduct or procedures


Scholarly output
Documented evidence of scholarship (and scholarly activity) that can be evaluated quantitatively and/or qualitatively

Scholarly practice
Refers to “established patterns and emerging practices of knowledge building” (Williams et al., 2013:7)

Scholarly-led inquiry
Freedom of academic staff and students to engage in intellectual inquiry, to express opinions and beliefs, and to contribute to public debate, in relation to their subjects of study and scholarly work at the Institution

TEQSA defines scholarship as “activities concerned with gaining new or improved understanding, or appreciation and insights into a field of knowledge, or engaging with and keeping up to date with advances in the field” (TEQSA, 2022:1). The Institution, however, expands the parameters of this definition slightly further to include the output and impact of those activities as part of scholarship.

Scholarship means an award granted to a student to support their education at the Institution. They are awarded based on various criteria, which may include, but not limited to, academic achievement, diversity, equity or inclusion, athletic excellence, community involvement, leadership skills, or other specific qualifications. All scholarships, including third party sponsored scholarships, are in the form of tuition and/or accommodation credits that are applied to the recipient’s account. At no time is a scholarship implemented as a monetary transaction of any kind directly with students. A third party sponsored scholarship is named with the sponsor’s brand, unless stipulated otherwise by the sponsor. Its stipulated value is funded either in part or full by that sponsor party. Scholarships for this purpose are distinct from scholarly activity, also known as scholarship of teaching and learning.

Re-use by a student of their own submitted work without appropriate acknowledgement of the source

Sexual assault
A range of unwanted behaviours, whether in person or online, all of which are unacceptable and constitute a crime. Sexual assault occurs when a person is forced, coerced or tricked into sexual acts against their will or without their consent, including when they have withdrawn their consent. Examples of sexual assault include: rape; non-consensual sexual activity of any kind; sexual battery; domestic violence; dating violence; incest; stalking; non-consensual touching; attempts to commit these acts.

Sexual harassment
An unwelcome sexual advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, whether in person or online, which, in the circumstances, a reasonable person, aware of those circumstances, would anticipate the possibility that the person would feel offended, humiliated, or intimidated. Examples of sexual harassment include: unwelcome touching, hugging or kissing; staring or leering; making suggestive comments or jokes; displaying sexually explicit pictures or posters; repeated unwanted invitations or requests for sex; asking intrusive questions about a person's private life or body; unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately brushing up against a person; making insults or taunts of a sexual nature; sending sexually explicit emails, SMS text messages or social media communications; accessing sexually explicit internet sites; other unwanted behaviours or material of a sexual nature perpetrated using technology; behaviour which would also be an offence under the criminal law, such as physical assault, indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking or obscene communications; gender or sexuality-based harassment

Sexual harm
Any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature. Sexual harm includes sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, sex-based harassment, and any other unwanted sexual behaviour, whether online or in person. The harm may result in a person feeling uncomfortable, frightened, distressed, intimidated, or harmed either physically or psychologically

SNM means standardised numerical mark. It is usually a percentage (%) and awarded in higher education subjects.

Social medial
The collective of online communications channels such as social networking websites like Facebook or LinkedIn, interactive web technologies like blogs, Instagram or Snapchat, and online media including both official and unofficial pages, groups, clubs and so on

Social responsibility
The commitment to fostering active community engagement, promoting ethical practices, and contributing to the well-being of diverse communities. This involves fostering a culture of respect, inclusivity, and ethical behaviour among staff and students. It also includes engaging in activities that promote social justice, environmental sustainability, and community development

Specified credit
Credit granted towards particular or specific components of a qualification or course of study

Extends to all forms of expressive conduct including oral speech and written, artistic, musical and performing works and activity and communication using social media; the word ‘speak’ has as a corresponding meaning (Independent Review of Freedom of Speech in Australian Higher Education Providers, 2019)

Includes all employees of the Institution, whether full-time or part-time, or sessional staff or not academic staff (Independent Review of Freedom of Speech in Australian Higher Education Providers, 2019)

Staff exchange
An MOU or reciprocal agreement where staff teach for one or two study periods at a partner institution and are paid by the home institution

Standard precautions
Infection control practices used to prevent transmission of diseases that can be acquired by contact with blood, body fluids, non-intact skin (including rashes), and mucous membranes

Standards-based assessment
The judgement and reporting of student learning achievement based on predefined learning outcomes and performance standards. Standards-based assessment can apply at the level of the program, course or assessment task

Strategic risk
Strategic risks are those which would impact on the Institution’s ability to achieve its vision and deliver its strategic objectives

Student accommodation
All student residences operated by the Institution

Student exchange
An MOU or reciprocal agreement where students study for one or two study periods at a partner institution, with no tuition fees involved for the host institution, and students receive pre-approved credit from the home institution

Study abroad
An arrangement where students from a partner institution study at the Institution for one or two study periods on a fee-paying basis and may receive credit from the home institution

Study period
A discrete period of study within a course, namely term, semester, trimester, in which all aspects of course delivery occur, including orientation and examinations

Study tour
An arrangement where students at the Institution undertake a non-award and non-accredited study tour program with relevant industry alliances and partners in relation to their studies at the Institution or an agreement where students and/or staff from partner institutions attend the Institution for short-term non-award and non-accredited study tours

A unit of study which together forms an accredited course. Subjects are designed as discrete entities, but they should be also designed to complement other units to form a coherent program of study that leads to the learning outcomes of an award course and ICMS graduate capabilities. Each subject has a distinct set of learning outcomes the achievement of which is measured through appropriate assessment tasks.

Summative assessment
An activity conducted towards the end of an instructional unit such as topic, module or subject, which contributes to a students’ final grade in a subject or course

Supporting documents
Such as forms or templates may be developed in conjunction with policies, procedures or guidelines as required

Communication between educators and students in real time, either face-to-face or online. With synchronous learning students engage with fellow learners and with educators through interactive tutorials and instant messaging with the aid of breakout rooms and chat functionality. The learning occurs at scheduled times and for set timeframes


Teach-out Plan
A plan that describes how the academic program will be discontinued and how the impact on students concerned will be minimised

Technology-enhanced learning (TEL)
Interpreted broadly as any learning that occurs through the application of electronic communications and computer-based educational technology, combined with pedagogical principles and practices that are applicable to and tailored for this purpose

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency is Australia’s independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education

An official certification document that confirms that a qualification has been awarded to an individual. In Australia this may be called an ‘award’, ‘parchment’, ‘laureate’ or ‘certificate’

The duty to foster the wellbeing of staff and students
Includes the duty to ensure that no member of staff and no student suffers unfair disadvantage or unfair adverse discrimination by reason of their inherent attributes; includes the duty to ensure that no member of staff and no student is subject to threatening or intimidating behaviour by another person or persons on account of anything they have said in exercising their freedom of speech; supports reasonable and proportionate measures to prevent any person from using lawful speech which is intended to insult, humiliate or intimidate other persons and which a reasonable person would regard, in the circumstances, as likely to have one or more of those effects; does not extend to a duty to protect any person from feeling offended or shocked or insulted by the lawful speech of another.

Third-party arrangements
Those ‘between a registered higher education institution and one or more third parties to offer a course of study [offshore] … that leads to the award of an Australian higher education qualification.’

The Institution’s terms for a record of results

Transition contingency
The plan, in the event that a Teach-out Plan is not possible or appropriate, for students to complete their course of study or similar course of study at another institution

Transition plan
A plan which allows students to move from their current course and complete a newly accredited equivalent or updated course, with no financial or academic impact. It incorporates available advanced standing a student would receive form their current course of study into their new course

Transnational Education
Learners are located in a country different from the one where the awarding institution is based. The outcome of TNE activity is an award conferred by an Australian higher education institution

Trauma-informed care and practice
Involves understanding, anticipating, and responding to the needs of victim-survivors. This includes active listening, projecting empathy and providing the person with agency. Victim-survivor is an expression used to acknowledge a victim is defined by the harm that has come to them and a survivor is defined by their experience after sexual harm has occurred

A cap worn with an academic gown at a graduation ceremony

Tuition fees
Fees the Institution receives, directly or indirectly, from: a student or prospective student; or another person who pays the fees on behalf of a student or prospective student; that are directly related to the provision of a course that the Institution is providing, or offering to provide, to the student


Undergraduate course
Undergraduate course by coursework is an accredited post-secondary course of study leading to a bachelor degree.

Unit of competency
Unit of competency is a single component of a vocational education and training qualification or a stand-alone unit that has been approved and accredited.

Unjustifiable hardship
An adjustment is not required if making of the adjustment would impose 'unjustifiable hardship' on another person. However, the burden of proof falls on the person claiming unjustifiable hardship

Unspecified credit
Granted towards elective components of a course, where an exact or near exact subject equivalence cannot be determined


Visual Identity Standards
The approved visual style guide for the Institution which ensures brand consistency with all published information


WIL subjects
Subjects in the area of work integrated learning that include a professional placement component (e.g. WIL201A, WIL801, etc). This definition does not refer to those subjects that have industry partner projects embedded within them

Withdraw or withdrawal
Means the formal process undertaken by students who wish to withdraw entirely from their studies and discontinue their enrolment at the Institution or withdraw from enrolled subject(s) after they have signed the offer of acceptance or have commenced their study (on or after the course commencement date). A student must withdraw in accordance with the Withdrawal Procedures

Withdrawal date
The date noted on the student declaration of the request for withdrawal eform

Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
Any arrangement where students undertake learning in a work context as part of their course requirements. WIL can be undertaken as part of coursework or research training.  All courses at the Institution include work integrated learning (WIL) requirements, which may include: - professional workplace placements (also known as internships, fieldwork, practicums); - online or virtual WIL with real clients or industry input; - subject embedded industry-partnered projects in the classroom (e.g. hackathons, incubators/start-ups, live case study, consulting project) that involve industry, community or professional partners; - a simulated work environment with industry input, consultation or assessment; or - activities in other contexts involving industry or community partners (e.g site visits, engagement projects).