
1. Purpose

The Critical Incident Policy (“policy”) outlines the Institution’s approach on planning for, responding to and managing critical incidents.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all students, staff and visitors on any campus.

3. Definitions

See Glossary of Terms.

4. Policy statements

4.1 Prevention: The Institution’s strategy of mitigating future incidents or minimising the impacts

4.1.1 The Institution promotes and fosters a safe environment. It demonstrates this by advising its students and staff on actions they can take to enhance safety and security on campus. To this end, immediate actions to be taken in the event of a critical incident are outlined in this policy and in the Critical Incident Management Procedures.

4.1.2 The Institution ensures that all students and staff are provided with information on how to seek assistance for and report an incident that significantly impacts on their wellbeing, including critical incidents.

4.1.3 Critical incidents are monitored to be evaluate or reported as being effective and appropriate as part of the Risk Management Framework to inform the risk prevention or mitigation strategy.

4.2 Preparedness: The Institution preparing to respond to and recover from incidents

4.2.1 Critical incidents are managed effectively, efficiently and compassionately and appropriate resources will be allocated to the response of a critical incident as outlined in the Critical Incident Management Procedures.

43 Response: The Institution aims to control, contain and minimise the impact of an incident

4.3.1 There are clear decision making processes, as outlined in the Critical Incident Management Procedures, to ensure that critical incidents are managed and reported effectively, consistently and in a timely manner.

4.3.2 The Institution provides appropriate support to support students and staff who may be affected by a critical incident.

4.3.3 The Institution engages with the relevant authorities and, where necessary, proceeds as advised.

4.4 Recovery: The Institution will minimise disruption and recovery time

4.4.1 Resources are made available for recovery from a crisis or emergency and supporting the Institution’s infrastructure, business operations and community to resume normal business as soon as possible.

5. Roles and responsibilities

5.1 The President and Managing Director is the Responsible Officer of this policy.

5.2 The Executive Management Group (EMG) has overall responsibility for the management of critical incidents and emergencies at the Institution.

5.3 The Chief Operations Officer (COO) is responsible for ensuring that the induction program for staff includes familiarisation with the Critical Incident Policy, how to report an emergency, and how to respond to an emergency situation. The COO has responsibility for the implementation of the Institution’s Critical Incident Policy and Critical Incident Management Procedures.

5.4 The Work Health and Safety (WHS) representative is responsible for ensuring that up to date information about personal security and emergency contact numbers are published on the Institution’s website, and that emergency procedures and evacuation plans are prominently displayed in the common areas and corridors of the Institution’s campus/sites. The WHS representative also ensures emergency evacuation drills are held regularly.

5.5 The Associate Vice President (Campus and Operations) is responsible for ensuring that the orientation program for students includes familiarisation with how to report an emergency and how to respond to an emergency situation and for providing all new students with or refer them to (including electronically) general information on safety and awareness relevant to study and living on campus.

5.6 Wellness Officers are responsible for supporting and monitoring students who may be affected by a critical incident with personal wellness circumstances for the duration of their time at the Institution as per the Student Wellness Policy.

6. Related documents

Critical Incident Management Procedures

Health and Safety Policy

Incident Reporting Procedures

Infectious Diseases Policy

Infectious Diseases Procedures

Risk Management Framework (Risk Appetite Statement, Risk Management Policy, Risk Register)

Risk Register

Student Wellness Policy

Student Wellness Procedures

Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy


Approved by the Board of Directors on 6 October 2021