
Students must read, understand and comply with the following requirements for the duration of their studies at the Institution:

General conditions

1. Abide by the rules, policies and procedures of the Institution as detailed in the Institution’s Policy Library.

2. Acknowledge that policies and fees will be reviewed and amended regularly.

3. It is a student’s responsibility for completing all requirements associated with admission, enrolment, assessment and academic progression in compliance with relevant policies and procedures.

4. Understand that the main form of communication between the Institution and a student will be electronic, via email, and a student will regularly check his/her Institutional email account. Notices sent to a student’s Institutional email account or by SMS will be deemed to have been received by the student at the time sent by the Institution.

5. Abide by the Student Code of Conduct.

6. Comply with any applicable Australian Government legislation.

Study management

7. All new, commencing students are automatically enrolled in subjects by the Institution upon acceptance of their offer of admission to a course of study. It is a student’s responsibility to formally withdraw from subjects or the course of study in accordance with the Withdrawal Procedures, prior to the census date (domestic students) or 5pm, Friday of week 2 (international students), to avoid incurring a financial penalty.

8. Attend all timetabled classes, complete all specified assessments and examinations (if applicable) while a student remains enrolled at the Institution.

9. Comply with the rules of the course of study.

10. The Institution is not obliged to offer a particular course or subject in a given study period and may alter staffing or content arrangements.

11. The Institution delivers a course at the location outlined in a student’ s letter of offer. The Institution may alter the location of a course upon agreement in writing from the student or intending student

12. It is a student’s responsibility in each study period to:

  • enrol prior to the commencement of a study period; and
  • make any changes to enrolment by census date (domestic students) or by Friday of Week 2 (international students).

13. For normal fulltime enrolment, students are expected to enrol in the maximum allowable credit points per study period. Students may only apply to increase the number of subjects or load (also known as overload), according to the Change of Study Load Procedures.

14. Students are required to complete all ancillary online modules as determined by the Institution (e.g. academic integrity, orientation) before gaining access to assessment information in Moodle. 


15. Pay any applicable fees and charges as required by the Institution on or before the specified due dates.

16. After census date (domestic students) or Friday of Week 2 (international students), a financial liability will be incurred for any course which a student is enrolled.

17. Be familiar with the refund policies of the Institution detailed in the Acceptance of Offer and Written Agreement.

Changes to enrolment

18. The Institution reserves the right to cancel or suspend a student’s enrolment, according to the Suspension and Cancellation Procedures, including (but not limited to) on the basis of:

a. An offer is made after submission of incomplete, inaccurate, fraudulent or misleading information supplied by the applicant, agent, delegated authority or certifying authority (Admissions Policy);

b. Breach the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment, including (but not limited to) failure to pay tuition or other fees to the Institution;

c. Misbehaviour by the student (General Misconduct Policy, Student Code of Conduct and General Misconduct Procedures);

d. A breach of course progress or attendance requirements (Academic Progression Policy, ELICOS Course Progression Policy (and procedures) and ELICOS and Foundation Attendance Policy (and procedures));

e. A breach of academic integrity (Academic Integrity Policy and Academic Integrity Procedures).

19. A new, commencing student may apply to defer their commencement for a maximum of 12 months. Approval may be granted in limited circumstances for international students, according to the Deferral Procedures.

20. A student choosing to withdraw from their course of study before a study period commences or during a study period must advise the Institution in writing according to the Withdrawal Procedures and the applicable refund policy will apply.

21. After studies have commenced, a student must seek approval to take a leave of absence, not normally exceeding a total of 12 months. Approval may be granted in limited circumstances for international students, according to the Leave of Absence Procedures.

22. A student applying to transfer to another course within the Institution must satisfy the entry requirements of the new course, according to the Admissions Policy and the related Change of Course Procedures.

23. In limited circumstances a student may apply to the relevant Dean for approval to enrol in concurrent courses at the Institution.

International students

24. International students must comply with their student visa provisions and the requirements of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) and associated National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018) including:

a. maintain enrolment and meet course progression requirements, according to the Academic Progression Policy (and procedures) and ELICOS Course Progression Policy (and procedures); and attendance requirements for foundation and ELICOS students, according to the ELICOS and Foundation Attendance Policy (and procedures);

b. complete their course within the time specified on their Confirmation of Enrolment (COE), unless an extension has been granted according to the Extension of Course Duration Procedures;

c. enrol in a fulltime load in each study period unless otherwise approved by the Institution, according to the Academic Progression Procedures and Change of Study Load Procedures;

d. notify the Institution within seven days of a change in contact details;

e. hold overseas student health cover for the duration of their visa;

f. students under 18 must maintain adequate accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements, according to the Under 18 Student Policy.

25. International students must be aware of their individual student visa conditions and notify the Institution of any changes to their visa status, including if they no longer hold a student visa. Non-compliance may result in the student’s enrolment being cancelled and/or affect the student’s ability to obtain future visas for Australia.

26. The circumstances the Institution will enrol an international student transferring to the Institution and releasing an international student from the Institution to another registered provider, prior to the completion of six months of study in their principal course are detailed within the Transfer Between Providers Policy and Release Request Procedures.

27. The Institution is obliged to inform the relevant Government department when there is a change to an international student’s enrolment, including students who do not commence their course on the expected commencement date, according to the Non-Commencement of Study Procedures.

28. As per the requirements of Standard 8 of the National Code, in each enrolled study period, an international higher education student is required to study at least one subject face-to-face. The only exception is if the student is completing the last subject of their course or enrolled in a work integrated learning subject.

29. Students who are projected to complete their course within 52 weeks from the course commencement date may be enrolled by the Institution as either a study abroad student, undergraduate student or postgraduate student as determined by the Institution. If applicable, students are awarded credit for completed subjects as per the credit arrangements outlined in the relevant credit arrangements.

Student or provider default

30. If the Institution ceases to teach a course or if it closes entirely all students are protected by the Australian Government’s Tuition Protection Service (TPS).

31. An international student defaults in relation to a course at the Institution if:

a. the course starts at the location on the agreed starting day, but the student does not start the course on that day (and has not previously withdrawn); or

b. the student withdraws from the course at the location (either before or after the agreed starting day); or

c. the Institution refuses to provide, or continue providing, the course to the student because of one or more of the following events:

i. the student failed to pay an amount he or she was liable to pay the Institution, directly or indirectly, in order to undertake the course;

ii. the student breached a condition of his or her student visa;

iii. misbehaviour by the student.

32. In the case of student default, the applicable refund policy may apply.

Approved by Board of Directors on 21 March 2023 (updated by AB on 22 November 2024)