1. Purpose
The Records Management Policy specifies records management practices at the Institution and provides guidance to staff in relation to the creation, access, storage, retention and disposal of records. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Records Management Procedures.
2. Scope
This policy applies to the creation, access, storage, retention and disposal of records by staff across all business operations.
3. Definitions
See Glossary of Terms.
4. Policy statements
4.1 The Institution embeds robust records management protocols throughout its operations so that information systems and records are properly maintained, secure, confidential and in compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework 2021.
4.2 The Institution maintains accurate and up-to-date records of all aspects of its operations including admission, enrolments, progression, completions and award of qualifications.
4.3 The Institution prevents unauthorised or fraudulent access to private, sensitive or personal information, including information where unauthorised access may compromise academic integrity.
4.4 The Institution documents and records responses to formal complaints, allegations of misconduct, breaches of academic integrity and critical incidents.
4.5 All records are stored securely with access given to authorised users only in order to safeguard information and protect the privacy of individuals.
4.6 Personal information held by the Institution is governed by the practices, protocols and systems outlined in the Privacy Policy.
4.7 The Institution is committed to creating and storing its records electronically. All electronic records are routinely backed-up.
4.8 Records created or received prior to 2019 may be stored in electronic and hard copy format. Records stored in this manner are done so in an appropriate manner to avoid damage and deterioration.
4.9 Records are retained for the minimum retention periods as specified in the Records Management Procedures.
4.10 Records may be disposed securely and confidentially in accordance with the timeframes in the Records Management Procedures.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 The Registrar is the responsible officer of this policy and is responsible for fostering a culture of excellent records management practices.
5.2 Managers are responsible for training staff on the Institution’s records management protocols, for monitoring staff under their supervision to ensure that they understand and comply with this policy, that they promote good record management practices and report any identified breaches of compliance.
5.3 Staff are responsible for the correct management and security of data, information and records and implementing this policy across all aspects of their daily work. Staff must not access information they are not authorised to access, and they must ensure that all personal information is handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
6. Related documents
Records Management Procedures
Privacy Policy
Approved by Board of Directors on 26 March 2021