
1.   Governing policy

These procedures relate to the International Representative Policy (“policy”).

They describe how staff will enact the policy and the steps taken to monitor the activities and performance of an international representative (“representative”) while acting as a representative for the institution and recruiting international students. The outcome of the monitoring process forms the basis for the representative agreement renewals.

2.   Scope

These procedures apply to staff involved in the monitoring of representatives and agreement renewal process.

3.   Procedures

These procedures set out the four key processes involved in the monitoring of representatives and their associated agreement renewals as per Table 1 below:

1. Annual Representative Performance Appraisal

The institution conducts an annual appraisal to monitor performance and activities of all representatives, including provision of accurate information to students, review of marketing materials, product knowledge and quality of recruitment events.

2. Key performance indicator analysis

Analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor representative performance.

3. Recording performance appraisal and KPIs

Performance appraisal is captured on the institution’s database.

4. Agreement renewal/non-renewals

Agreements are valid for two years and may be renewed on the basis of performance and at the discretion of the institution.

Table 1

Process Responsibilities Timeframe
1. Annual Representative Performance Appraisal

1. At the end of each year (or as required for specific cases), the Country Manager, in consultation with the representative, conducts the annual performance appraisal for each representative using the appropriate online appraisal form.

2. The Country Manager consults with the Senior Vice President (SVP) Domestic and International Development where an issue with a representative has been identified during the appraisal process. This may include but is not limited to:

a. breach of obligations under the representative agreement; or

b. breach of obligations under the National Code 2018

3. Action to be taken and recorded on performance appraisal form may include:

a. corrective action and timelines to be imposed on the representative as deemed appropriate by the SVP Domestic and International Development and in consultation with the President and Managing Director (President); or

b. a recommendation that the agreement may not be renewed upon expiry of the two-year term; or

c. formal warning or termination of a representative as per Representative Agreement Termination Procedures.

4. Representatives are informed, in writing, of the outcome of their appraisal including any necessary corrective action as per 3b.

5. Completed performance appraisal forms are returned to the Manager International for recording in the institution’s database.
Country Manager;

VP Domestic and International Development

Manager International


2.  Key performance indicator (KPI) analysis

1. At the end of each year (or as required for specific cases) the SVP Domestic and International Development analyses data from the institution’s databases on a representative’s performance against the KPIs listed in the International Representation Policy.

2. A KPI analysis report is created for each representative.

3. KPI analysis reports for representatives that are underperforming are sent to the Country Manager to review and provide feedback to the SVP Domestic and International Development, for consideration during the agreement renewal/non-renewal process.

SVP Domestic and International Development Annually
3.   Recording performance appraisal and KPI’s
1. Completed performance appraisal forms are recorded in the Institution’s database.

2. KPI analysis reports are to be recorded in the institution’s database.

Manager International As required
4.   Agreement renewal/non-renewals

1. The representative agreement template is reviewed in advance of the expiry date, following an appropriate consultation process including, legal consultants, VP Finance and the Quality Assurance and Accreditation team.

2. Prior to the expiry of a representative’s agreement, the SVP Domestic and International Development reviews all representative’s performance appraisals and results of the KPI analysis for the previous two years, to make a recommendation to the President whether an agreement is eligible for renewal.

3. The list of representative agreements for renewal is referred to the Country Managers to follow the steps outlined in the international representative agreement section (Table 1, section 2) of the Representative Engagement and Appointment Procedures.

4. The list of representative agreements that will not be renewed are referred to the Manager International for the following steps to be taken:

a. letter of non-renewal sent to the representatives;

b. institution’s database updated to record the non-renewal agreements;

c. remove the representatives from PRISMS; and

d. Marketing team to remove the representatives from the Institution’s website.

SVP Domestic and International Development

Manager International

Marketing team

Prior to expiry of representative agreements

4.   Roles and responsibilities

4.1 The Senior Vice President (SVP) Domestic and International Development is responsible for monitoring representatives in accordance with these procedures.

4.2 The President is responsible for approving renewal (standard)/non-renewal representative agreements.

5.   Compliance and monitoring

These procedures are written in accordance with Standard 4 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 and Higher Education Standards Framework 2021.

6.   Records management

As detailed in Table 1 above, representative details are recorded in the institution’s database and original signed agreements between the representative and the institution are filed and saved.

7.   Related and superseded documents

International Representative Policy

Representative Agreement Termination Procedures

Representative Engagement and Appointment Procedures

Training of Representative Procedures

Approved by the Board of Directors on 7 December 2020.