
1. Purpose

The Conferral of Qualifications and Graduation Policy (“policy”) prescribes all matters pertaining to the conferral of qualifications and graduation ceremonies at the Institution including rules relating to the conferral of academic qualifications, the dress code for academics and graduands, information on certification documents and eligibility requirements for graduation. All qualifications are awarded consistently, fairly and transparently in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and comply with the qualification rules of the accredited course of study that the Institution is approved and authorised to issue by the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA).

2. Scope

This policy applies to all students, staff members and all courses of study that leads to an accredited AQF qualification.

3. Definitions

See Glossary of Terms.

4. Eligibility to graduate

4.1 In accordance with the Terms of Reference and Delegations of Authority Schedule, the Board of Examiners monitors student progression and confirm course completion requirements for each study period.

4.2 The Board of Examiners recommends eligible graduands, via the Course and Subject Committee, to the Academic Board (see paragraph 5) if the student has met the following requirements. The students must:

a) have been enrolled in a course that leads to an accredited AQF qualification;

b) successfully completed all the course requirements including completion of the required credit points for the course to be awarded, have met the course completion rules and have achieved all course and subject learning outcomes; and

c) complied with the Institution’s maximum limit of approved advanced standing where credit transfer or recognition of prior learning has been granted or recognised in accordance with the Advanced Standing Policy and Advanced Standing Procedures.

4.3 In exceptional circumstances, students who are deemed to have met equivalent course requirements and subject learning outcomes may be eligible to graduate upon recommendation by the DVC (Learning and Teaching) to the Board of Examiners.

4.4 The Academic Board shall in turn recommend to the Board of Directors the conferral of qualifications upon those eligible graduands.

4.5 It may be determined that a student who has completed all course requirements is not eligible to graduate in the following circumstances:

  • where proceedings are pending or have commenced against the student in relation to alleged breach of academic integrity, misconduct or appeal;
  • where the student has not settled all financial obligations to the Institution; or
  • where the student has not returned all borrowed books, equipment or materials.

5. Exiting with a nested qualification

5.1 Students initially enrolled in the higher-level qualification may choose to exit the course and apply to graduate with an alternative exit award i.e. a lower level nested qualification, as long as they have satisfied all requirements of the chosen nested qualification. Refer to the Qualification Issuance Procedures.

5.2 Students who are deemed to have met the requirements as per section 4.2 above are eligible to graduate upon recommendation by the Registrar to the Board of Examiners.

6. Conferral of qualifications

6.1 The award of any qualification is approved by a resolution of the Board of Directors.

6.2 A qualification is normally conferred at the next available graduation ceremony after confirmation that a student is eligible to graduate. A qualification is not normally issued to any student until it has been conferred at a graduation ceremony.

6.3 For transnational education (TNE) arrangements, the award of a qualification is approved by a resolution of the Board of Directors and is conferred either at the TNE partner’s institution by a representative of the Board of Directors, or at a graduation ceremony at ICMS if requested by the student.

7. Death or permanent incapacity

7.1 The Board of Directors may confer a qualification as a result of death or permanent incapacity. To be eligible for consideration the student must:

a) have successfully completed at least 50% of the course requirements for the course in which they were enrolled; and

b) have been in good academic standing such that eventual graduation was expected.

7.2 The DVC (Learning and Teaching) in conjunction with the Registrar, initiates a review of the student’s enrolment and academic record and provide a written recommendation to the President and Managing Director (President) on whether a qualification can be awarded. Such a recommendation would normally be made within two years of the student’s last enrolled study period and must be supported by relevant documentary evidence. Such evidence may include (but not limited to) the completion of coursework, or other tangible assessment or learning related activities.

7.3 Upon endorsement by the President, a recommendation is submitted to the Academic Board for subsequent approval by the Board of Directors.

7.4 Upon approval by the Board of Directors, the deceased or permanently incapacitated student’s next of kin is contacted. Should the next of kin accept the proposal, the student’s name is included in the list of graduands at the next available graduation ceremony and, where practical, the qualification be presented to the next of kin.

8. Award nomenclature

8.1 Award nomenclature including abbreviations shall be in accordance with official award nomenclature for the course, as accredited by the relevant regulatory body, as approved by the Institution.

8.2 Graduates are entitled to use the official award nomenclature once the award has been conferred by the Board of Directors.

9. Certification documentation

9.1 All graduates who have completed a course of study that leads to the award of an AQF qualification will receive the following certification documentation:

  • a testamur;
  • an official transcript (also known as record of results); and
  • an Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)

Please refer to the Qualification Issuance Procedures.

9.2 Students can expect that the contents of all certification documentation will comply with the requirements outlined in Standard 1.5 of the Higher Education Standards Framework 2021.

9.3 The certification documentation includes but is not limited to and state correctly:

a) the legal business name of the Institution as the issuing provider;

b) full title of the qualification awarded, including the field or discipline of study;

c) the full name of the student;

d) the date of issue;

e) unique reference no;

f) the name and office of the person authorised by the Institution to issue the documentation, and

g) if the qualification is recognised in the AQF, the testamur and/or the graduation statement is certified with either the AQF logo or the words, ‘This qualification is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework’.

9.4 Students who complete one or more subjects that do not lead to an award of a qualification are entitled to receive a transcript.

9.5 Students may request a transcript before an assigned graduation ceremony has taken place.

10. Rescission of a qualification

10.1 The Institution reserves the right to rescind a qualification, including but not limited to, the following circumstances:

a) where it has been identified and proven that the qualification was inappropriately obtained through fraudulent or dishonest activities; or

b) an administrative error has resulted in the incorrect conferral of a qualification; or

c) the student has not fully settled the financial obligations incurred during his or her period of enrolment.

10.2 Where a qualification has been rescinded, the testamur and any other official certification document must be returned to the Institution.

11. Re-issuing qualifications or testamurs

11.1 The Institution may re-issue a qualification or testamur in the following circumstances:

a) as a result of loss, theft or damage; or

b) as a result of a name change.

11.2 Graduates are required to pay the required administration fee for re-issuing and return the original testamur where appropriate. In instances that the testamur cannot be returned, a Statutory Declaration must be completed. Please refer to the Qualification Issuance Procedures.

12. Records of issued qualifications or testamurs

12.1 All qualifications are awarded in accordance with the requirements outlined in this policy and the Qualifications Issuance Procedures.

12.2 The Institution retains records of attainment of qualifications and any re-issues of certification documentation in a central register. Please refer to the Qualification Issuance Procedures.

13. Final graduation ceremony

13.1 Graduation ceremonies are normally held twice a year. A student’s qualification is normally conferred at the next available graduation ceremony after the Board of Directors has confirmed that a student is eligible to graduate and receive the qualification.

13.2 A qualification may be conferred posthumously or at the next available graduation ceremony after confirmation that a student is eligible to graduate refer to paragraph 7 above.

13.3 The Institution invites the potential eligible graduands to register to attend the next graduation ceremony. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they notify the Institution of their intention to attend the graduation ceremony within the specified graduation registration process and deadline in the written invitation.

13.4 If a student fails to register by the graduation deadline, fails to request to defer their graduation (by maximum one graduation ceremony) or they choose not to attend their graduation ceremony, then they are registered as a graduand in absentia.

13.5 Students may formally request to defer their graduation ceremony for one graduation ceremony only. The request must be submitted by the final graduation registration deadline. Should a student not attend the deferred graduation ceremony, the certification documentation is posted to the student’s nominated mailing address on their enrolment record.

13.6 Students may choose not to attend a graduation ceremony, in which case they must nominate one of the following ways to receive their qualification:

a) in person at the nominated campus;

b) by post; or

c) by personal proxy upon written permission from the student and proof of identification upon collection.

Please refer to the Qualification Issuance Procedures.

14. Dress code for graduands attending graduation ceremony

14.1 Academic dress is prescribed by the Academic Board. All graduands who attend a graduation ceremony are required to wear the academic dress that is relevant to the qualification being awarded as follows:

  • Masters Degree, Graduate Certificate and Bachelor Degree graduands – academic gown, a hood of the relevant colour and trencher;
  • Diploma graduands – academic gown and trencher;
  • Foundation graduands – business attire.

Alternatively, students may opt to wear approved, formal national dress. All graduands must wear business attire or national dress under their gowns.

15. Roles and responsibilities

15.1 The Registrar is responsible for:

  • organising graduations;
  • the administrative processes of resulting;
  • providing reports to the Board of Examiners;
  • certification documentation and record keeping.

15.2 The Board of Examiners has overall responsibility for implementation of the policy in liaison with the Responsible Officers.

15.3 The Board of Examiners are responsible for monitoring student progression, assessing student completion, and recommending eligible graduands, via the Course and Subject Committee, to Academic Board.

15.4 The Academic Board has oversight of the implementation of this policy.

15.5 The Board of Directors has the overall responsibility for conferring qualifications as recommended by the Academic Board.

16. Related documents

Advanced Standing Policy

Advanced Standing Procedures

Qualification Issuance Procedures

Approved by the Board of Directors on 10 September 2024 (updated 3 December 2024)