1. Purpose
The Institution encourages lifelong learning and provides the opportunity for students’ previous learning to be recognised for advanced standing in their course of study. The Institution is committed to ensuring fair, transparent and flexible advanced standing arrangements in order to award credit for prior learning while maintaining its commitment to ensure the integrity of learning outcomes. This policy is aligned with applicable Australian Government legislation including Standard 2 of the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training of Overseas Students 2018 and Domain 1 of the Higher Education Standards Framework 2021.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate enrolled and prospective students at the Institution who are seeking advanced standing based on previous formal, informal and non-formal learning and to staff who apply the provisions of the policy, and related procedures, consistently.
3. Definitions
See Glossary of Terms.
4. Policy statement
4.1 Integrity of course learning outcomes and graduate capabilities
4.1.1 In granting advanced standing, the Institution does not compromise the integrity of qualification outcomes.
4.1.2 Advanced standing is only granted if:
- it maintains the Institution’s standards and has regard for this policy and the specific course and/or entry requirements;
- students granted advanced standing are not disadvantaged in achieving the expected learning outcomes for the course or qualification; and
- the integrity of the course and qualification are maintained.
4.2 Advanced standing principles
4.2.1 An offer of credit does not guarantee admission into a course.
4.2.2 Advanced standing may be awarded in the form of:
a. Block credit;
b. Specified credit;
c. Unspecified credit; or
d. A combination of the above.
4.2.3 Decisions to award advanced standing at the Institution are:
a. Evidence based, clear, equitable, and transparent;
b. Applied consistently and fairly with decisions subject to appeal and review;
c. Academically defensible;
d. Not disadvantaging a student in achieving the expected learning outcomes for the course of study;
e. Maintaining the integrity of the course of study;
f. Recognise learning regardless of how, when and where it was acquired, provided that the learning is relevant and current and relates to the learning outcomes of the qualification; and
g. Made in a timely manner and the outcome is documented on the student’s record, as documented in the related procedures.
4.3 Types of advanced standing application
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
4.3.1 The institution recognises the following forms of prior learning:
a. Formal learning;
b. Non-formal learning; and
c. Informal learning.
4.3.2 The Institution assesses prior learning, for the purposes of granting advanced standing, in the form of credit, provided the prior learning is relevant and current to the learning outcomes of the course.
4.3.3 The Institution may consider non-formal learning for advanced standing for work integrated learning.
4.3.4 The assessment of advanced standing for the amount of credit to be granted in particular courses shall be determined by the relevant approved qualified academic.
Credit transfer
4.3.5 Credit transfer is only granted for formal learning.
4.3.6. To apply for credit transfer students must successfully complete:
a. Subjects forming part of an accredited course provided by a recognised higher education institution;
b. Non-award courses offered by a recognised higher education institution;
c. Accredited courses (AQF Level 5 and above or equivalent recognised overseas qualifications) offered by a registered vocational training provider or equivalent;
d. Courses provided by a professional association (or other similar body) or training delivered by employers or other similar training, accredited by a professional accreditation body or equivalent.
4.3.7 The assessment of the amount of advanced standing to be granted in particular courses shall be determined by the relevant Approved Qualified Academics as per as per the approved responsibilities outlined in the Delegations of Authority.
Block credit arrangements
4.3.8 Block credit is only granted where there is an approved block credit arrangement or articulation agreement which details:
- the previously completed formal qualification or completed AQF level (or equivalent) (for which advanced standing into a course at the institution is being granted);
- the subjects for which advanced standing is granted; and
- the subjects that the student must complete to be awarded the qualification.
4.3.9 The amount of block credit is determined as part of the block credit arrangement and is applied at admission. The limits are detailed in the Advanced Standing Procedures.
4.3.10 The advanced standing granted through a block credit arrangement is noted on the student’s transcript as “E” against the subjects for which it is granted. This does not mean that the student has met those subject learning outcomes and will not therefore allow the student to use the block credit to meet the pre-requisite requirements of another course of study.
4.3.11 All block credit arrangements are noted on an internal institutional register and published on the Institution’s website.
4.4 Currency
4.4.1 Advanced standing may only be granted for prior learning completed within 10 years of the date of application. Decisions are made on a case by case basis.
4.5 Relevancy
4.5.1 The Institution considers the following, when assessing advanced standing for formal, informal and non-formal learning:
a. General educational practices and standards of the provider(s) or any relevant accreditation obtained by the provider;
b. Objectives of the particular course and the methods adopted to achieve those objectives;
c. Admission requirements of the course;
d. Volume of learning;
e. Breadth, depth and balance of the course material involved, and the intellectual effort required;
f. Whether the course is a cognate course of study including content, learning and methods of assessment;
g. Whether the subject learning outcomes from the student’s prior learning contain at least an 80% comparability to the institution’s equivalent subject learning outcomes; and
h. Any arrangements for practical training and experience, including work integrated learning within the course.
4.6 Advanced standing for informal and non-formal learning
4.6.1 Advanced standing may be granted for informal learning (i.e. gained through work-related, social, family, hobby or leisure activities and experiences. See Glossary of Terms) or non-formal learning (i.e. undertaken through a structured program of learning but does not lead to a formally recognised qualification. See Glossary of Terms) provided the student can demonstrate the following:
a. Authenticity: the applicant can provide well-documented and appropriate evidence to demonstrate the subject learning outcomes have been achieved.
b. Quality: the type of prior learning is deemed comparable to the subject learning outcomes.
c. Transferability: the learning outcome attained through non-formal and informal prior learning can be applied outside the context in which it was learned.
d. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF): the prior learning must be regarded by the Institution as comparable to AQF level criteria or recognised overseas equivalencies.
e. The volume of learning is deemed comparable to the subject learning hours.
4.7. Maximum credit limits
4.7.1 To ensure the integrity of a course of study is maintained and a student is not disadvantaged in achieving expected course learning outcomes, the Institution has determined the maximum credit limits in Table 1.
4.7.2 Credit granted for any course must comply with the maximum credit limits.
4.7.3 In exceptional circumstances, the Academic Board may, at its discretion, approve a variation to the maximum credit limits.
4.7.4 In exceptional circumstances, the DVC (Learning and Teaching) may, at their discretion, approve a variation to the maximum credit limits specified in an articulation agreement provided that the student enrols in, and studies, the equivalent to one year full-time study load as defined by the AQF (e.g. a minimum of eight subjects for undergraduate courses). Any variations made under this clause are reported to the Academic Board at its next available meeting and summarised in the Annual Aligned Partnership Report.
Table 1.
The course into which the student is seeking entry | Maximum credit limits |
Diploma | 50% of the total credit points required for the qualification |
Associate Degree | 50% of the total credit points required for the qualification |
Bachelor’s Degree | Typically 50% of the total credit points required for the qualification.
However 66.6% (2/3) of the total credit points required for the qualification is permissible, in cases where appropriate evidence is provided, supporting the increased amount of credit or where there is an approved block credit arrangement. |
Graduate Certificate | 50% of the total credit points required for the qualification. |
Graduate Diploma | 50% of the total credit points required for the qualification. |
Master’s Degree | Typically 50% of the total credit points required for the qualification.
However 66.6% (2/3) of the total credit points required for the qualification is permissible, in cases where appropriate evidence is provided, supporting the increased amount of credit or where there is an approved block credit arrangement. |
4.7.4 For undergraduate courses, normally all 300 level subjects are required to be completed at the Institution and advanced standing is not normally granted for 300 level subjects.
4.7.5 For postgraduate courses, normally all 800 level subjects are required to be completed at the Institution and advanced standing is not normally granted for 800 level subjects.
4.7.6 In exceptional circumstances and on a case by case basis, the DVC (Learning and Teaching) may vary the rule that prohibits 300 and 800 level subjects being granted for advanced standing as outlined in paragraphs 4.7.4 and 4.7.5.
4.7.7 The maximum number of subject exemptions granted as part of an articulation agreement are specified in the Block-Credit Decision Matrix (see section 6 below and the Advanced Standing Procedures).
4.8. Study abroad, student exchange and cross-institutional study
4.8.1 Where prior approval has been granted to participate in a study abroad or student exchange program, the study completed during the program will be considered equivalent to study completed at the Institution.
4.8.2 If 4.8.1 applies, students participating in a study abroad or student exchange program can apply for advanced standing, in the form of credit, after completion of the overseas program.
4.8.3 Where prior approval has been obtained from the relevant Dean/Associate Dean to participate in cross-institutional study, advanced standing may be granted upon successful completion of the subjects.
4.9 Internal transfer between courses
4.9.1 For students transferring between courses at the Institution, as per the related procedures, the following applies:
a. Advanced standing, in the form of specified and unspecified credit, may be granted for a subject completed in the course they are transferring from;
b. Advanced standing is granted for identical subjects already completed, that also form part of the course the student is transferring to; and
c. Internal course transfers are subject to the maximum credit limits in paragraph 4.7.
4.10 Articulation and institutional alliances
4.10.1 As per the Articulations, Agreements and Institutional Alliances Policy (and associated procedures), the Institution has established agreements with external institutions that stipulate the advanced standing a student receives when transferring to the Institution, for completion of a designated program of study at the external institution.
4.10.2 The existence of an articulation agreement does not preclude an individual student applying for additional advanced standing under this policy.
4.10.3 Articulation agreements are subject to the maximum credit limits in paragraph 4.7.
4.11 Complaints and appeals
4.11.1 Students may lodge a complaint regarding a decision to grant advanced standing on the basis that the decision was inconsistent with the rules outlined in this policy. Complaints must be made in accordance with the Complaints and Appeals Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Procedures.
4.12 Other
4.12.1 Advanced standing may be subject to the conditions imposed by a professional accreditation body. Students seeking professional accreditation are advised to contact the professional accreditation body before applying for advanced standing.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 DVC (Learning and Teaching) is the responsible officer of this policy and is responsible for appointing the Approved Qualified Academics who assess advanced standing applications where there are no block credit arrangements or articulation agreements in place, in consultation with the President and Managing Director (President). In exceptional circumstances, the stipulations under paragraphs 4.7.4 and 4.7.5 may be varied by the DVC (Learning and Teaching) on a case by case basis.
The DVC (Learning and Teaching) determines criteria for articulation agreements that permit up to 16 subject exemptions for articulation from a completed AQF level 6 (or equivalent) into a Bachelor degree. The criteria for exemption and the list of articulation agreements under these circumstances are approved by the DVC (Learning and Teaching) and reported annually by the Dean/Associate Dean to the Academic Board in the annual Aligned Partnership Report. The Associate Vice President (International Operations) is responsible for maintaining the list of approved articulation agreements.
5.2 An Approved Qualified Academic is responsible for assessing advanced standing applications and granting credit where there is no block credit arrangement or articulation agreement.
5.3 The relevant Dean/Associate Dean approves credit for block credit arrangements and cross-institutional study, and reports annually to the Academic Board through the Aligned Partnerships Report.
5.4 The President approves block credit agreements (based on block credit mapping undertaken by the Dean/Associate Dean), study abroad and student exchange agreements in line with the business strategic plan and direction.
5.5 Academic Board, in exceptional circumstances, may, approve a variation to the credit limits.
5.6 The Learning and Teaching Committee endorses and monitors the performance of block credit arrangements.
5.7 Admissions team is responsible for assessing applications and granting credit where there are approved block credit arrangements and articulation agreements, and for advising applicants and students in accordance with this policy.
5.8 Marketing and Recruitment team is responsible for advising applicants and students in accordance with this policy.
5.9 Learning and Teaching Committee reviews and approves block credit arrangements in consultation with the President and in line with the business strategic plan and direction.
5.10 The Associate Vice President (International Operations) is responsible for maintaining the list of approved articulation agreements.
6. Related documents
Advanced Standing Procedures
Articulations, Agreements and Institutional Alliances Policy
Articulations, Agreements and Institutional Alliances Procedures
Complaints and Appeals Policy
Complaints and Appeals Procedures
Approved by Academic Board on 23 February 2024 (updated by AB on 11 October 2024)