Student Wellness Procedures

1. Governing policy

The Student Wellness Procedures (“procedures”) relate to the Student Wellness Policy. They describe how the policy is enacted and the different aspects of wellness support at the Institution.

2. Scope

These procedures apply to all students who require wellness support.

3. Procedures

3.1 Strategies

There are strategies in place to provide support to students who require additional support to achieve their personal and academic potential. Strategies include:

i. identification through self-referral via email, Zoom, Skype or face-to-face;

ii. identification or intervention in the teaching period by staff and teaching Faculty; and/or

iii. identification through a Residential Leader.

3.2 Access to advice

Information and access to advice, support and/or counselling is available through the following services on a range of matters including, but not limited to, a student’s course of study, educational experience, personal wellbeing and safety, sexual assault / sexual harassment support and counselling, accommodation issues, mental health, legal advice, disability and any other wellness needs.





i. Lecturers
  • Lecturers are available for one hour per week, per subject, for consultations with students on academic matters.
  • Students are encouraged to contact teaching staff outside scheduled consultation times, where appropriate.
  • In person, Zoom or Skype, via email consultations
  • Students may expect a response from teaching staff within two business days
ii. Program Managers
  • General academic support and advice is available from the Program Manager.
  • Academic intervention support is provided as a result of failing to maintain satisfactory progress. See Academic Progression Policy and Academic Progression Procedures.


  • In person, Zoom or Skype, via email consultations
iii. Senior academic staff
  • Additional academic support and advice is available from the Deans upon request.
  • By appointment


iv. Wellness Officers
  • Appropriate guidance and personal support is provided to students, through a dedicated Wellness Team who provide free, confidential support to students to enhance their physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
  • Students should be proactive in seeking the wellness support they require.
  • All staff are expected to refer potential wellness cases to the Wellness Officers.
  • Students may contact the Wellness Team directly, via email or walk-in for a private consultation at the Student Success Centre or other Wellness Officers’ offices.
v. Student Success Centre Manager
  • Sexual assault and / or sexual harassment support and counselling.
  • Support to students with a disability who have registered documentation with the college, throughout their studies.
  • Mental health support and counselling.
  • Reasonable adjustments. 


  • By telephone 02 9466 1025.
  • In person, Zoom or Skype consultations available by appointment.
vi. Residential Leaders
  • On campus students can contact their Residential Leader on their accommodation floor who will provide limited guidance and personal support
  • Residential Leaders may refer the student to a Wellness Officer.
  • In person
viii. Internal counselling services
  • The Student Success Centre Manager provides counselling support to all students.
  • In person, Zoom or Skype or via email consultations.
  • To be scheduled by appointment.
ix. External counselling services
  • Wellness Officers refer students to an external counselling provider, a complimentary service provided by the Institution. Referrals are provided at no additional cost to the students.
  • Appointments provided within two days in person or telephone.
x. Other external professional services
  • The Institution recognises that in some instances students may require support from external professional services (e.g. emergency services, health services, legal advice, etc) as there are limits to the extent of the support that can be provided by the Institution. Referrals are provided at no additional cost to the students.
  • The Wellness Officers will refer students to external professional services.
  • Information provided as needed.


xi. Wellness and wellbeing
  • Resources from the institution and external providers like Headspace, Black Dog Institute, Northern Beaches Mental Health Service and AccessEAP are available for students to utilise.
  • Online and in the Student Success Centre.

3.3 Support process

3.3.1 If a student has a personal wellness circumstance, they are able to make contact with a Wellness Officer from the Wellness Team, to receive the appropriate support. The procedures outlined in the attached Student Wellness Flowchart should be followed for general to low risk indicators and high risk indicators.

3.3.2 For high risk indicators of sexual assault or sexual harassment refer to the Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy.

3.3.3 Privacy is upheld during all personal wellness consultations and all personal information will be handled confidentially in accordance with the Institution’s Privacy Policy.

3.3.4 Information will be disclosed if the Institution has reasonable grounds for concern about the health and safety of the student or others, or there is a legal requirement to do so.

3.3.5 In exceptional cases, evidence-based assessment extensions may be granted on the basis of a personal wellness issue at the discretion of the Institution. An extension granted under this provision is for one-off cases  only. All extension requests due to a personal wellness issue are approved by the Student Success Centre Manager. Extensions may be granted for a maximum of three days in the final two weeks of the study period or up to a maximum of seven days outside of this time period. In rare circumstances where an extension beyond these parameters is required, the Student Success Centre Manager consults with the relevant Program Manager. 

3.3.6 Students who require ongoing extensions over a period of time (e.g. due to an ongoing wellness issue or ongoing illness) are required to have an approved Individual Academic Access Plan (Wellness). These Plans are approved by the DVC (Learning and Teaching) 

3.3.7 The Individual Academic Access Plan (Wellness)  is an agreement, which identifies the student’s wellness situation for reasonable adjustments for their academic studies. These include: 

  • alternative presentation delivery; 
  • alternative assessment; 
  • extra time to complete assessments (i.e. extension requests); 
  • extra time for time assessments (one-off situation); 
  • alternative timed assessment; 
  • room on their own to sit a time assessment (face to face classes) 

3.3.8 Any reasonable adjustment requested must be supported with supporting medical documentation / evidence. 

 3.3.9 Students must formally accept and agree to the terms outlined in the Individual Academic Access Plan (Wellness). 

4. Roles and responsibilities

4.1 The Wellness Officers are responsible for supporting and monitoring students with personal wellness circumstances for the duration of their time at the institution.

4.2 The Student Success Centre Manager is responsible for approving evidence-based assessment extension requests for students with personal wellness circumstances within the approved parameters outlined in these procedures. Any extensions beyond these parameters is required, the Student Success Centre Manager consults with the relevant Program Manager. 

 4.3 The DVC (Learning and Teaching) is responsible for approving wellness and disability Individual Academic Access Plans 

5. Reporting

5.1 The Wellness Officers are responsible for regularly documenting all information related to the students’ personal wellness circumstances.

5.2 The Vice President (Student Life) is responsible for regular reporting to the Learning and Teaching Committee.

6. Records management

6.1 The Wellness Officers will receive, record and store all documents tendered by a student with personal wellness circumstances.

6.2 All documents will be handled in accordance with the institution’s Privacy Policy requirements.

6.3 All documents will be stored within the Student Management System.

7. Related documents

Diversity and Equity Policy

Privacy Policy

Student Wellness Policy

Student Wellness Flowchart

Responding to Suicide Risk

Approved by Learning and Teaching Committee on 29 April 2022