Timetable Procedures
1. Governing policy
The Timetable Procedures (“procedures”) relate to the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment. They provide information on the Institution’s timetabling practices when there are changes to class timetables and annual teaching schedules. It is also to ensure the effective use of teaching resources and facilities with consistent and co-ordinated timetabling practices.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all students at the Institution and the use of all teaching spaces at the Institution.
3. Procedural statements
3.1 Students and teaching staff are provided with a timetable that is early to facilitate planning and robust decision making.
3.2 Information on class timetables and the annual teaching schedule are accurate and up-to-date with changes communicated as soon as they occur.
3.3 Classes are scheduled as per the location stipulated in the student’s letter of offer.
3.4 The timetable should have minimal changes after publication and minimise clashes for students.
3.5 The timetable is constructed to accommodate teaching practices and enable students to satisfy course rules.
3.6 Planning of teaching, the annual teaching schedule, resources, teaching staff availability and any potential clashes are completed in time to meet the deadline for creating the timetable.
3.7 Class timetables and the annual teaching schedule is published on a designated date to allow students to create their student timetable for the next trimester and planning for future subject enrolments.
3.8 Students must enrol, maintain their enrolment and study load, and personal details with accurate information for the duration of the course and must be proactive about seeking assistance if they encounter difficulties in their enrolment or would like to change their enrolment before Census date (domestic students) or the end of week 2 (international students).
3.9 These procedures should be used in conjunction with the Change of Study Load Procedures.
4. Procedures
4.1 Change of enrolment
4.1.1 When the timetable is ready to be published, Student Services sends an announcement email to all students confirming that the timetable for the next trimester has been released and they can start enrolling in subjects.
4.1.2 Students should enrol themselves in chosen subjects according to their progression plan and can change subjects any time up until Census date (domestic students) or the end of week 2 (international students).
4.1.3 If a student is unable to enrol, due to technical difficulties (e.g. login/password/errors), they may lodge an E-Ticket and/or send an email to [email protected] requesting support. Students should provide as much information as possible, including the subject name, day and time, to complete the enrolment and timetable change.
4.1.4 Student Services contacts the student, cc’d to the Program Manager, with an outcome.
4.1.5 When a student requires academic advice and /or more information on what subjects to enrol in the following trimester, they are referred to the Program Managers or Academic Consulting Office (ACO) for advice.
4.1.6 When a student withdraws from a subject after Census date (domestic students) or the end of week 2 (international students) they must refer to the Withdrawal Procedures. International students may not be eligible and must refer to the Change of Study Load Procedures.
4.1.7 Timetable changes won’t be permitted after Census (domestic students) or the end of week 2 (international students).
4.2 Assessments
4.2.1 The assessment period runs throughout the study period. The dates for each study period are published on the website and all students should note the assessment period in their calendars. Students who are required to the sit examinations should refer to the Examinations Policy and Examinations Procedures for more information.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 The Registrar and DVC (Learning and Teaching) oversee the Institution’s timetables and annual schedules of delivery.
5.2 Student Services are responsible for publishing student timetables in the learning management system.
5.3 Program Managers are responsible for supporting students in choosing the required subjects for enrolment for the following trimester.
5.4 Student Services is responsible for supporting students in making changes to their enrolment and timetable after that academic advice took place (if necessary).
5.5 Students are responsible for understanding the requirements of the course in which they are enrolled.
6. Related documents
Assessment Policy
Assessment Procedures
Change of Study Load Procedures
Examinations Policy
Examinations Procedures
Student Examination Rules
Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
Approved by Learning and Teaching Committee on 7 March 2024