Supplementary Assessment Procedures

1. Governing policy

The Supplementary Assessment Procedures (“procedures”) relate to the Assessment Policy. They recognise that students can sit a supplementary assessment under extenuating circumstances.

2. Scope

These procedures apply to all higher education subjects at the Institution.

3. Procedural statements

3.1 Assessment is made by reference to explicit and pre-determined criteria and standards that reflect the learning outcomes and not by reference to other students’ achievement or a pre-

determined grade distribution.

3.2 The Institution awards common result grades as specified in the Grading Policy.

3.3 Supplementary assessments are awarded by the Board of Examiners where:

a. the final result falls between 45 and 49%;

b. the student has attempted all assessment tasks with legitimate submissions that do not constitute Level 2 or Level 3 misconduct within seven days of the assessment due date; and

c. a supplementary task is allocated as an additional assessment.

3.4 If the student successfully completes the supplementary assessment, demonstrating achievement of the learning outcomes, the student is awarded a Supplementary Pass and the standard numerical number is changed to 50%.

4. Procedures for administering supplementary assessments

4.1 Eligibility for a supplementary assessment A supplementary assessment may be awarded by the Board of Examiners where:

a. the subject allows a supplementary assessment;

b. the final result falls between 45 and 49%; and

c. the student has attempted all assessment tasks.

A supplementary assessment is an additional task to ensure the subject learning outcomes are met.

4.2 Timing of supplementary assessments Supplementary assessments are offered within ten working days of the Board of Examiners meeting at which the determination was made.

The task must be completed by the student within the timeframe stipulated in the supplementary assessment instructions.

4.3 Availability of supplementary assessments Supplementary assessment tasks may include:

  • Paraphrasing the original activity under invigilated conditions.
  • Viva voce, where students describe a process to ensure that the learning outcomes have been met.
  • Completion of a similar task to demonstrate learning outcomes.

Supplementary assessment is not available in every subject, for example in a subject with a group task component  of 51% or greater, or capstone tasks with high weightings and WIL subjects. In cases where supplementary assessment is not available, this will be clearly indicated in the subject outline.

4.4 Assessment and marking The supplementary assessment task is assessed by the Subject Lead, Course Coordinator or Program Manager and results reported to Student Services.
4.5 Awarding results If the student successfully completes the supplementary assessment, demonstrating achievement of the learning outcomes, the student is awarded a supplementary Pass and the standard numerical grade is changed to 50%.

5. Roles and responsibilities

5.1 The Board of Examiners is responsible for approving supplementary assessments conditions outlined above.

5.2 Student Services is responsible for communicating to the student about the supplementary assessment task.

5.3 Program Managers have overall responsibility for reviewing and approving supplementary assessment tasks and approving changes to results for results within the parameter of these procedures.

5.4 Subject Leads are responsible for developing and marking the supplementary assessment tasks, in accordance with the Course and Subject Policy, Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedures.

6. Related documents

Assessment Policy

Assessment Procedures 

Assessment Submission, Extension and Feedback Procedures

Examinations Policy

Examinations Procedures

Student Examination Rules

Student Code of Conduct

Approved by the Course and Subject Committee on 14 March 2024