Infectious Diseases Procedures

1. Governing policy
The Infectious Diseases Procedures (“procedures”) relate to the Infectious Diseases Policy. They describe how to prevent, minimise risk of transmission and respond to a report of a person, group of people with an infectious disease or where the infectious disease reaches global health emergency, epidemic or pandemic levels. These procedures should be read in conjunction with the Critical Incident Policy.

2. Scope
The procedures apply to all staff, students and visitors at the Institution.

3. Procedures
There are strategies in place to prevent and minimise the risk of transmission and outline how the Institution will respond to a report of an infectious disease as per Table 1 below:

Type Method Responsibilities
Individual responsibility Individuals have an ethical responsibility to avoid activities that increase exposure to infectious diseases. Individuals
Staff training and education Information provided during staff inductions (ie. appropriate to job position and WHS requirements) and in the Employee Handbook. Managers and Vice President (People and Training)
Student training and education Information on preventing the spread of infectious diseases (including sexual health) provided during student orientation programs and accommodation information sessions. Chief Operations Officer

Associate Vice President (Campus and Operations)


Staff immunisation Free annual flu shots available to all staff. All staff

Vice President (People and Training)

Health and wellness promotion campaigns Posters in public spaces, email notifications. Wellness Officers
Pandemic alert and public health emergency notifications Posters in public spaces, email notifications and other safety measures as deemed appropriate to the size and nature of the incident. Critical Incident Response Team
Confidential advice (in relation to an individual’s rights and responsibilities as per, for example, the Diversity and Equity Policy and/or Complaints and Appeals Policy) Appointments available upon request with the Student Success Centre Manager (students) or Vice President (People and Training) (staff). Student Success Centre Manager

Vice President (People and Training)

Minimise risk of transmission
Self-isolation Students and staff who are unwell should stay at home and seek medical attention as appropriate, or where advised by the Australian Department of Health, in relation to a global epidemic or pandemic, may require specific periods of isolation. Unwell staff who attend work may be sent home by managers. Individuals and managers
Exclusion periods The Institution may impose exclusion periods. These will be communicated accordingly. Chief Operations Officer
Closure periods The Institution may close campuses in extreme circumstances. These will be communicated accordingly. President and Managing Director
Prevented from entering Australia International students or staff and visitors (which may include non-Australian citizens, non-permanent residents and other visa categories as determined by the relevant Australian Government authority) may be prevented from entering Australia by mandate from the Australian Government as a result of a global health emergency, epidemic or pandemic. Communicated by Student Services
Practising standard precautions (such as hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, cleaning, sanitising and disinfecting, waste management, etc). Posters to raise awareness, hand sanitising stations, cleaning and waste equipment and management protocols, etc. Chief Operations Officer

Associate Vice President (Campus and Operations)

Notifiable diseases Individuals have an ethical responsibility to report any notifiable infectious diseases to the relevant authorities, and to the Manager on Duty (students) / Vice President (People and Training) (staff). Individuals
Confidential counselling referrals Students may seek relevant support and/or professional assistance where personal circumstances are having an adverse effect on their education. Students

Student Success Centre Manager

1. A student who has contracted an infectious disease (or wishes to report a student with an infectious disease) should report it immediately to the Manager on Duty on 0429 994 590 (Manly campus), or 02 9160 8842 (city campus) or report it in person to a member of staff.

2. A staff member who has contracted an infectious disease (or wishes to report a student/staff member with an infectious disease) should report it immediately to the Vice President (People and Training).

3. For emergency situations that require ambulance assistance, the student/staff member should immediately dial Emergency Services on 000.

4. As a result of a global health emergency, epidemic or pandemic where students have been prevented from commencing or recommencing their studies, alternative arrangements will be discussed with affected students.

5. All responses to a report of an infectious disease are considered a critical incident and are dealt with under the Critical Incident Policy and Critical Incident Management Procedures.


Manager on Duty


Vice President (People and Training)

Chief Operations Officer

4. Roles and responsibilities

See Table 1 for a list of roles and responsibilities.

5. Compliance and monitoring
These procedures are written in accordance with the Higher Education Standards Framework 2021 and National Code 2018.

6. Related documents

Complaints and Appeals Policy
Complaints and Appeals Procedures
Critical Incident Policy
Critical Incident Management Procedures
Diversity and Equity Policy
Infectious Diseases Policy
Student Wellness Policy
Student Wellness Procedures

Approved by EMG on 22 August 2024