Infectious Diseases Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Infectious Diseases Policy (“policy) is to minimise the risk of transmission of infectious diseases to the Institution’s community and to manage people who may have contracted an infectious disease. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Infectious Diseases Procedures and the Critical Incident Policy.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all staff, students and visitors of the Institution.

3. Definitions

See Glossary of Terms.

4. Policy statements

4.1 The Institution has a duty of care to promote and foster a healthy and safe environment for all staff, students and visitors. This means having appropriate measures in place to prevent and minimise the risk of transmission of infectious diseases, and to provide an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment for every student or staff member.

4.2 The Institution takes appropriate steps to prevent or minimise the risk of infection posed by the transmission of infectious diseases from a person to person as per the Infectious Diseases Procedures.

4.4 Preventative measures for dealing with infectious diseases are promoted such as standard precautions, education campaigns, etc.

4.3 Up-to-date information relating to infectious diseases are disseminated and publicised widely across the Institution in order to promote awareness and tolerance.

4.4 The Institution’s response to public health orders and emergencies, as determined by state and federal agencies and World Health Organisation, are dealt with as appropriate under the Critical Incident Policy using the principles outlined in this policy and the Infectious Diseases Procedures.

4.5 The Institution protects the rights of staff and students who have an infectious disease and ensures privacy for any person who discloses an infectious disease.

4.6 The Institution is committed to promoting and ensuring the overall wellness of its staff and students. Appropriate support such as advice and/or counselling is available and all reasonable steps to accommodate staff and students living with an infectious disease (or any sanction imposed on an individual as a result of an infectious diseases outbreak) are considered.

4.7 Unlawful discrimination, bullying or victimisation is not tolerated and is considered a breach of the Student Code of Conduct (students), or the staff code of conduct outlined in the Employee Handbook (staff).

5. Roles and responsibilities

5.1 The President and Managing Director (President) is the Responsible Officer of this policy and overseeing the implementation of the Infectious Diseases Procedures.

5.2 The EMG has overall responsibility for the management of infectious diseases at the Institution.

5.3 The President has responsibility for decisions relating to the closure of campuses.

5.4 The Chief Operations Officer has responsibility for the decisions relating to infectious diseases periods of exclusion.

5.5 Student Services is responsible, in consultation with the Critical Incident Response Team, for managing communication to the enrolled student body.

5.6 Marketing and Recruitment is responsible, in consultation with the Critical Incident Response Team, for managing all other communication including press releases and communication to commencing students.

5.7 The Vice President (People and Training) is responsible, in consultation with the Critical Incident Response Team, for communication to staff.

5.8 The Chief Operations Officer and Vice President (People and Training) are responsible for ensuring that up to date information about emergency contact numbers are published on the Institution’s website, and that relevant infectious diseases advice, including practising standard precautions, is prominently displayed in the common areas and corridors of the Institution’s campus/sites.

5.9 The Associate Vice President (Campus and Operations) is responsible for ensuring that the orientation program for students includes familiarisation with how to maintain good standard precautions, how to report an infectious disease diagnosis and for providing all new students with or refer them to general information on safety and awareness relevant to study and living on campus.

5.10 Wellness Officers are responsible for supporting and monitoring students, and their families or anyone where appropriate, who may be affected by an infectious disease for the duration of their time at the Institution as per the Student Wellness Policy.

5.11 Students and staff:

  • must comply with all legislative requirements and the Institution’s policies relating to health, safety and anti-discrimination, and following all health and safety procedures that apply to their work or study;
  • are required to protect themselves as individuals from an infectious disease, as reasonably practical, and act in a manner that does not place others at risk of contracting an infectious disease;
  • have an ethical duty to seek immediate medical attention if they are unwell and notify the Institution immediately if they have contracted a notifiable disease;
  • comply with all institutional and government directives relating to public health orders and emergencies; and
  • reporting any breaches of unfair treatment, discrimination or harassment to the Institution.

6. Related documents

Complaints and Appeals Policy

Complaints and Appeals Procedures

Critical Incident Policy

Critical Incident Management Procedures

Diversity and Equity Policy

Infectious Diseases Procedures

Student Wellness Policy

Student Wellness Procedures

Approved by Board of Directors on 17 March 2020