General Misconduct Policy

1. Purpose

The General Misconduct Policy outlines the Institution’s approach for managing allegations of general (i.e. non-academic) misconduct against a student. This policy should be read in conjunction with the General Misconduct Procedures and Student Code of Conduct.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all students and staff handling allegations of misconduct. Cases of academic misconduct are dealt with under the Academic Integrity Policy.

3. Definitions

See Glossary of Terms.

4. Policy statements

4.1 The Institution values honesty and integrity. Students are expected to behave in a manner outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Where a student breaches the Student Code of Conduct or acts in a manner deemed unacceptable to the Institution they are dealt with under this policy.

4.2 Sexual assault and sexual harassment is not tolerated in any form. Allegations against a student are handled in accordance with this policy and, those found proven, face strict penalties. Information for victims seeking to disclose sexual assault or sexual harassment, and the support available, is outlined in the Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy and associated procedures.

4.3 The Institution endeavours to make all students and staff aware of its Student Code of Conduct, this policy and the General Misconduct Procedures during orientation programs and through publication on the website.

4.4 Either a student or a staff member has the right to make an allegation of general misconduct (“misconduct”) against a student.

4.5 Allegations of misconduct are handled with courtesy, confidentiality, consistently and without fear of prejudicial treatment.

4.6 In considering allegations of misconduct, the Institution applies the following principles of procedural fairness:

  • allegations are appropriately investigated;
  • ensure that the investigation process is fair, transparent and consistent;
  • provide opportunity for student to respond to any allegation against them;
  • decisions are made in a timely manner;
  • decisions lack bias;
  • protect all parties involved from victimisation; and
  • decisions are evidence based.

4.7 Penalties for proven cases of misconduct are consistent and fair. The General Misconduct Procedures outline the levels of misconduct and the possible penalties or outcomes.

4.8 Students are entitled to review the outcome and/or penalty of a proven allegation in accordance with the Complaints and Appeals Policy.

4.9 The person making the allegation may, at any stage, opt to withdraw the allegation or decline to proceed with an investigation. However, the Institution has the discretion of continuing the investigation.

4.10 Secure and confidential records are kept of all investigations and outcomes in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

5. Roles and responsibilities

5.1 Students are responsible for:

  • behaving with honesty and integrity;
  • acting in a manner outlined in the Student Code of Conduct; and
  • reporting allegations of misconduct to the Institution.

5.2 Staff are responsible for:

  • educating students on expected levels of behaviour and promoting a safe and productive study environment for students; and
  • reporting and investigating allegations of misconduct according to the General Misconduct Procedures.

5.3 The Vice President (Student Life) is responsible for monitoring patterns of misconduct behaviour through analysis of the register and reporting to the Executive Management Group via the PVC (Employability) and Registrar.

5.4 The Vice President (Student Life) is responsible for maintaining student records of misconduct and for updating the General Misconduct Register.

6. Related documents

Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Integrity Procedures
General Misconduct Procedures
Student Code of Conduct
Complaints and Appeals Policy
Complaints and Appeals Procedures
Under 18 Student Policy

Approved by the Board of Directors on 14 September 2020