Examination Procedures
1. Governing policy
The Examination Procedures (“procedures”) enact the Examinations Policy.
2. Scope
These procedures apply to all examinations, and deferred examinations, regardless of their mode of delivery e.g. on campus or online. This policy does not apply to deferred assessments. Provision for deferred assessments is outlined in the Assessment Submission, Extension and Feedback Procedures.
3. Principles for examinations
3.1 Where final examinations are included in a subject’s assessment regime, they must be a valid component of the assessment strategy and must be fit for the purpose in testing the student’s achievement of the learning outcomes.
3.2 Practice examinations are provided as formative assessments to build students’ confidence in undertaking examinations, for example past examinations can be used as practice.
3.3 Students can apply for a deferred examination, but they need to support their application with documentary evidence.
3.4 Deferred examinations may be granted where extenuating circumstances have prevented the student from sitting the examination. They can only occur when the student could not reasonably have been expected to avoid the circumstances that led them to miss an examination.
3.5 Deferred examinations are held as soon as practicable after the final examination period, but before the following study period.
3.6 Final examination dates and deferred examination dates are published annually in the academic calendar.
3.7 Names of students with approval for a deferred examination are included in the Board of Examiners minutes and grades in the relevant subjects are maintained as incomplete until after the deferred examination.
3.8 All examinations record only the student’s ID number and not student’s name, to meet privacy and moderation requirements.
3.9 Alternative assessment arrangements can be made for students with a disability, wellness issue or medical condition, but students must register with the Student Success Centre (refer to the Disability Policy and Student Wellness Policy).
3.10 All examination papers are centrally and securely stored. New versions are created every study period.
4. Examination administration procedures
Invigilation | External invigilation |
4.1 Entering and leaving the examination room |
4.2 Student conduct during an examination |
a. the text is unreadable; b. questions and/or pages are missing; c. a question appears to be incomplete; d. or any other reasonable question related to the examination. |
4.3 Misconduct during examinations |
5. Deferred examinations
5.1 Students apply for a deferred examination |
5.2 Timing of deferred examinations |
5.3 Awarding results |
5.4 Criteria for deferred examination
Circumstance | Evidence |
5.4.1 Student illness |
5.4.2 Illness of immediate family where student is principal carer |
5.4.3 Death or funeral of a member of the student’s family or a person with significant relationship to the student |
5.4.4 Car accident |
5.4.5 Unforeseeable major disruption to the public transport system |
5.4.6 Religious observance |
5.4.7 Sporting commitments at the State or national/ international level |
5.4.8 Circumstances that do not constitute grounds for granting a deferred examination |
6. Invigilation management
6.1 Responsibility for the recruitment, rostering, training and supervision of invigilators |
6.2 Responsibility of the invigilator |
7. Roles and responsibilities
7.1 The Program Managers are responsible for developing the examination timetable, and arranging the invigilation process and training, including during the formal period of the final examinations and the subsequent deferred examinations.
7.2 The Vice President (Student Life) is responsible for approving deferred examinations and deferred assessments (refer to the Assessment Submission, Extension and Feedback Procedures) based on the evidence provided by the student.
7.3 Student Services is responsible for communicating the examination timetable, the deferred examination timetable and any rescheduling of examinations.
7.4 Program Managers have overall responsibility for reviewing and approving the examination and deferred examination papers for the subjects offered in their respective disciplines. Program Managers must ensure that the examination papers are fit for purpose and written in clear and unambiguous language.
7.5 Program Managers must ensure their Subject Leads (or main lecturers) have appropriate processes in place to assure the academic quality of the examination questions, practice examinations, model answers and/or guidelines and moderation of the grading rubric and marking scheme.
7.6 Program Managers report to the Course and Subject Committee, via the Dean/Associate Dean, identifying any matters that have affected the quality and effectiveness of the examination process.
7.7 Subject Leads (or main lecturers) are responsible for developing the examination and deferred examination papers in consultation with their subject teams and Program Manager, ensuring appropriate quality checks have been carried out in relation to the preparation, marking and moderation of examinations.
7.8 Subject Leads (or main lecturers) are responsible for ensuring there are practice examination opportunities to provide formative feedback prior to examinations.
7.9 The invigilator is responsible for the invigilation and supervision of students at an examination venue, and recording the invigilation report.
8. Related documents
Academic Integrity Policy
Academic Integrity Procedures
Assessment Policy
Assessment Procedures
Examinations Policy
General Misconduct Policy
General Misconduct Procedures
Student Code of Conduct
Student Examination Rules
Approved by the Course and Subject Committee on 14 March 2024