Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

  1. Purpose

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy (“policy”) confirms the Institution’s approach and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in order to create equivalent opportunities for academic and professional success and to promote a culture that values diversity, equity and inclusion.

  1. Scope

This policy applies to all prospective and currently enrolled students, and all prospective and current members of staff.

  1. Definitions

See Glossary of Terms.

  1. Policy statements

4.1 The Institution aims to provide an accessible, inclusive and collaborative learning and working environment that promotes fairness, equity, respect for social and cultural diversity, and that is free from discrimination and harassment.

4.2 The Institution values the diverse skills, experiences and perspectives of people as a result of their gender, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, language, cultural background, age, disability, impairments, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, socio-economic status and/or family responsibilities.

4.3 Equivalent development and support opportunities for academic and professional success is provided to all staff and students.

4.4 Student admissions and recruitment processes are monitored to ensure practices are transparent, free from bias and consistent with the principles of this policy. See also the Admissions Policy and Employee Handbook.

4.5 The Institution acknowledges that historic and ongoing disadvantage has created barriers to access and progression and is, therefore, committed to increasing access to higher education to students who are at risk of disadvantage or under-representation. Equity scholarships are available (upon application) to students who experience economic, social or geographical disadvantage. An Indigenous scholarship is available (upon application) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of Australia.

4.6 Informed by its Learning and Teaching Principles, the Institution encourages learning that is ‘global, with courses exploring international perspectives’ including sensitivity to the similarities and differences that exist between people from different backgrounds, cultures and countries. Particular regard is paid to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia. The Institution acknowledges and respects the traditional custodians of the land upon which its campuses are located and recognises the contribution that Indigenous people can make to the academic and cultural life of the Institution. Cultural competence training on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is available for staff members requiring increased cultural knowledge and confidence in the workplace.

4.7 Regardless of their gender, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, language, cultural background, age, disability, impairment, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, socio-economic status and/or family responsibilities, students and staff can expect others to engage in a positive, respectful and constructive manner at all times.

4.8 The Institution supports students and staff to exercise their rights and responsibilities in relation to diversity, equity and inclusion.

4.9 Students can seek assistance when they are at risk of disadvantage or under-representation through a dedicated Wellness Team and the Academic Advisors in the Student Success Centre in accordance with the Student Wellness Policy.

4.10 The Institution’s commitment to students and staff with a disability and/or impairment is outlined in the Disability Policy.

4.11 Unlawful discrimination, bullying or victimisation is not tolerated and is considered a breach of the Student Code of Conduct (students) or the staff code of conduct outlined in the Employee Handbook (staff).

  1. Roles and responsibilities

5.1 The President and Managing Director is the Responsible Officer of this policy.

5.2 The Executive Management Group is responsible for ensuring the continued cooperation of all students and staff to promote and embed the principles outlined in this policy into their daily behaviour, decision-making and language. It ensures policies, practices and operations are free from bias and consistent with the intent of this policy.

5.3 Students and staff are responsible for treating fellow community members with respect regardless of background, engaging in a positive, respectful and constructive manner at all times and reporting any incidents of discrimination, harassment or bullying to the Institution.

5.4 The Learning and Teaching Committee is responsible for monitoring trends relating to admissions demographics.

5.5 The Vice President (People and Training) is responsible for ensuring fair and equitable recruitment processes and coordinating training to staff as required.

  1. Related documents

Admissions Policy

Disability Policy

Employee Handbook

General Misconduct Policy

General Misconduct Procedures

Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policy

Student Code of Conduct

Student Disability Support Procedures

Student Wellness Policy

Student Wellness Procedures

Approved by the Board of Directors on 13 September 2022