Disability Policy
- Purpose
The Disability Policy (“policy”) confirms the Institution’s approach and commitment to inclusion and equity for students and staff with disabilities and/or impairments in order to create equivalent opportunities for academic and professional success. This policy should be read in conjunction with the Student Disability Support Procedures, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy and the Student Wellness Policy.
- Scope
This policy applied to all prospective and current students, and staff members.
- Definitions
See Glossary of Terms.
- Policy statements
4.1 The Institution supports the inclusion of people with disabilities and/or impairments in all aspects of its community and affords individuals the right to study or work on an equitable basis in an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination.
4.2 Students or staff members are not disadvantaged as result of a disability and/or impairment and reasonable adjustments to allow access to courses, services and facilities on the same basis as others are made where possible.
4.3 While individuals may disclose a disability and/or impairment and discuss support needs with the Institution at any time, they are encouraged to do so during the admissions, enrolment or recruitment processes to ensure that support and allocation of resources can be made in a timely manner. Disclosure of a disability and/or impairment is entirely voluntary.
4.4 For students, reasonable and appropriate teaching strategies and methods are implemented without compromising the essential content of a course or the requirement to demonstrate essential skills or knowledge.
4.5 The Institution is not obliged to provide an adjustment that would impose unjustifiable hardship, compromise the inherent requirements or academic standards of a course, or compromise the welfare of the individual or others.
4.6 The physical environment of buildings, facilities and grounds are accessible where reasonably possible (subject to financial implications).
4.7 Individuals with a disability and/or impairment have access to support services and resources throughout the duration of their course or employment.
4.8 The Institution supports individuals with a disability and/or impairment to exercise their rights and responsibilities in relation to inclusion and equity. Students who experience discrimination or harassment, or are dissatisfied with the outcome of their application for reasonable adjustment, are encouraged to lodge a formal complaint in accordance with the Complaints and Appeals Policy. Staff members may lodge a grievance in accordance with the provisions in the Employee Handbook.
4.9 Unlawful discrimination, bullying or victimisation of individuals with a disability and/or impairment are not tolerated and is considered a breach of the Student Code of Conduct (students) or the staff code of conduct outlined in the Employee Handbook (staff).
4.10 All personal information is handled confidentially in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
- Roles and responsibilities
5.1 The DVC (Learning and Teaching) is the responsible officer for this policy and is responsible for approving reasonable adjustments for students.
5.2 The Student Success Centre Manager is responsible for assessing a student’s disability and/or impairment requirements.
5.3 The Vice President (People and Training) is responsible for assessing a staff member’s disability and/or impairment requirements and approve any reasonable adjustments that might need to be made.
5.4 The Maintenance Manager is responsible for ensuring the physical environment of buildings, facilities and grounds are accessible as reasonably possible.
5.5 Academic Advisors are responsible for additional specialised support for students with disabilities and/or impairments.
5.6 The Executive Management Group is responsible for ensuring the continued cooperation of all students and staff to promote and embed the principles outlined in this policy into their daily behaviour, decision-making and language. It ensures policies, practices and operations are free from bias and consistent with the intent of this policy.
5.7 Students and staff are responsible for treating fellow community members with respect regardless of disabilities and/or impairments, engaging in a positive, respectful and constructive manner at all times and reporting any incidents of discrimination, harassment or bullying to the Institution.
- Related documents
Complaints and Appeals Policy
Complaints and Appeals Procedures
Student Disability Support Procedures
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
Employee Handbook
Student Code of Conduct
Student Wellness Policy
Student Wellness Procedures
Approved by Board of Directors 13 September 2022