Course Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures

1. Governing policy

The Course Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures (“procedures”) relate to the Course and Subject Policy and set out the requirements for the evaluation of courses and subjects to ensure their ongoing viability, quality and alignment to strategic priorities at the Institution. These procedures form part of a wider overall institutional Learning and Teaching (L&T) Evaluation Framework.

2. Scope

These procedures apply to all subjects and courses at the Institution.

3. Procedural statements

3.1 Courses and subjects are systematically monitored and evaluated using an evidence-based approach to drive improvements throughout the delivery of a course and to feed into comprehensive course reviews and re/accreditation processes as per the Course and Subject Policy.

3.2 All subject learning outcomes and graduate capabilities are aligned to course level learning outcomes which are evaluated through assessment and student evaluation feedback.

3.3 Partners for external referencing and benchmarking are chosen for their characteristics as national or international comparators, with due consideration given to competition and maintaining intellectual property.

3.4 Student evaluation, both internal and external, and industry evaluation form an important feedback mechanism in ensuring the maintenance of academic standards across the Institution.

4. Internal interim monitoring and evaluation process

Evaluation processes include interim monitoring of student performance outcomes and experiences through the following:

Data point Timeframe Responsibility Reporting line for action
Updates to subjects Annually, or more often if required Program Managers (PMs) Course and Subject Committee (CSC)
a. Cohort report and end of study period sign-offs Each study period PMs Learning and Teaching Committee (LTC)
b. Lecturers’ feedback At least once per year (during first study period for new staff) PMs LTC
c. Lecturer performance reviews Annually PMs LTC
d. Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETUs) Each study period PMs LTC
e. Student forums and surveys Every study period PMs and Vice President (Student Life) LTC
f. Reports to governance committees Each study period Dean/Associate Dean CSC, LTC and Academic Board (AB)
g. Moderation (see Assessment Procedures) and Board of Examiners meetings outcomes Each study period Dean/Associate Dean CSC
h. Annual Leaning and Teaching (L&T)Reports At the end of each calendar year to inform business planning beginning the following year DVC (L&T) AB
i. Academic integrity data, trends and recommendations for improvement Course performance reports and DVC (L&T) reports DVC (L&T) and Dean/Associate Dean LTC

5. External evaluation process

Evaluation processes include interim monitoring through external referencing and benchmarking including:

Data point Timeframe Responsibility Reporting line for action
a. External surveys e.g.  QILT Student Experience Survey (SES) and Graduate Outcome Survey (GOS) once per year DVC (L&T)

PVC (Employability) and Registrar

AB and Board of Directors (BoD)
b. Course Development and Advisory Sub-committee (CDASC) meetings for feedback by external academics, recent graduates and industry experts Meetings scheduled as required for each comprehensive course review (CCR).

CCRs occur once every five years in preparation for reaccreditation

Dean/Associate Dean and PMs CSC
c. External review of courses for reaccreditation via Peer Review Portal (PRP) At least once every five years in preparation for reaccreditation DVC(L&T) CSC and AB
d. External review of subjects via Peer Review Portal (PRP) As identified in subject review cycle, prior to redevelopment or CCR process Dean/Associate Dean and PMs CSC and AB
e. External referencing of success of student cohorts against comparable courses of study as per the External Referencing Procedures. Ongoing as part of all interim monitoring, evaluation and review activity (e.g. annual reporting and comprehensive review process). Dean/Associate Dean CSC and AB

6. Roles and responsibilities

6.1. The DVC (Learning and Teaching) has executive oversight of the implementation of these procedures.

6.2. Academic Board is responsible for monitoring academic quality and standards across the institution, including the evaluation of all courses and subjects.

6.3. The Course and Subject Committee and Learning as a committee of Academic Board is responsible for the management, monitoring and reporting of all course activity across the Institution.

6.4 Course Development and Advisory Sub-committee (CDASC) is a sub-committee of the Course and Subject Committee and is provides external academic, industry and graduate advice for development and review of courses.

6.5. The Chief Quality Officer is responsible for monitoring all evaluation activities and preparing submissions to TEQSA.

6.6. Program Managers are responsible for ensuring course and subject evaluations are used to improve the quality of the teaching and the course through working with course and subject teams.

6.7. Subject Leads and lecturers are responsible for ensuring evaluation feedback from students and stakeholders is taken into consideration in the revision and improvement of subjects and courses.

7. Related documents

Assessment Policy

Assessments Procedures

Course and Subject Policy

Course Development, Review and Approval Procedures

External Referencing Procedures

Subject Development, Review and Approval Procedures


Approved by Learning and Teaching Committee on 7 November 2023